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  • Morgantina, South Baths and West Sanctuary project
  • Morgantina
  • Morgantina
  • Italy
  • Sicily
  • Province of Enna
  • Aidone



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • In 2012, various geophysical surveys were undertaken in Morgantina by a team from the University of Cologne, as part of a project under the direction of Sandra K. Lucore (AEM) and Monika Trümper (UNC Chapel Hill). The work was carried out under the auspices of the Parco Archeologico Regionale di Morgantina and the authority of the directors of the AEM, Malcolm Bell III (University of Virginia, Emeritus) and Carla Antonaccio (Duke University). The aim of the work was to provide a framework of data for further targeted excavation projects at Morgantina.

    As part of the geophysical work at Morgantina, all three common methodologies, GPR, magnetometry and resistivity were employed. The equipment used included a Geometrics G-858 magnetometer, a Geoscan Research RM-15 meter and a GSSI SIR System 3000. The survey grids were set out using a Leica System 900 RTK differential GPS system in conjunction with a Total Station Leica TCRA 1205.

    The survey focussed on three separate parts of the site: Contrada Agnese and the Agora on the Serra Orlando Ridge, and the Cittadella hill. The results confirm that the orthogonal grid plan, laid out on the Serra Orlando Ridge in the 5th century B.C., was largely respected in the following centuries and was adapted to the topography of the terrain in the densely built up Contrada Agnese quarter. On the Cittadella hill, the area of the Prehistoric and Archaic settlements, the survey data confirm the existence of an inner defensive circuit and small structures whose orientation follows the topography of the slopes; the western slope of the Central Plateau seems to have been much more densely built up (possibly well into the Hellenistic period) than the eastern slope. In all three areas of the site, the geophysical survey indicates significant features and areas of high interest for future excavation.

    In the Contrada Agnese area of Morgantina, the survey allows the reconstruction of a densely built up quarter that largely respects the layout of the 5th century B.C. city plan, but adapts it to the topography of the terrain. Walls and buildings were constructed right up against the cliff face of the Agnese Ridge, in the lower reaches of the area (insula W12/13S lots 1, 3, 5) as well as on top of the plateau (insula W12/13S, lot 8). While the cliff clearly caused and necessitated adaptations in the southern part of insula W13/14S, it cannot account for the unusual layout of the southern lots of the adjacent insula W14/15S. The survey provided evidence that the settlement extended further south, at least in the topographically irregular southeastern area. It could not be ascertained how far south the settlement extended, however, as the survey area was limited by the modern perimeter fence.

    In particular, the survey helped to highlight areas of interest for future excavations in the Contrada Agnese area, most notably in the southeastern area (insula W13/14S, lot 8 and further south, which may be revealing for the development of the entire quarter. Trial trenches on top of the Agnese Ridge plateau could further clarify the extent and layout of the settlement in this area. The presumable continuation of structures beyond the perimeter fence indicates that it would be interesting and worthwhile to pursue targeted investigation of private property outside the archaeological park, if feasible.

  • Monika Trümper- Freie Universität Berlin 
  • Sandra K. Lucore - American Excavations at Morgantina 


  • Michael Heinzelmann - Universität zu Köln


  • Erik Thorkildsen
  • Boris Alexander Burandt
  • Janine Seidel
  • Manuel Buess - Università di Colonia
  • Manuela Broisch - Università di Colonia
  • Matthias Nieberle
  • Philipp Hagdorn
  • Shabnam Moshfeqh-Nia
  • Stefanie Steidle

Research Body

  • American Excavations at Morgantina
  • UNC Chapel Hill
  • University of Cologne

Funding Body

  • Friends of Morgantina


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