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  • Sinagoga
  • Ostia antica
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • The 2012 season marked our final large-scale excavations at the synagogue. Nine trenches (=T) were excavated in areas at least partially undisturbed by the 1960s campaigns in order both to better understand the stratigraphy of the present buildings and to explore evidence of earlier structures on this site.

    T27, located in Room 4 of IV.17.2, also extended 2.0 meters outside the west doorway. The soil outside the building was disturbed down to the level of ground water, but below topsoil in Room 4 was a mosaic floor (unexcavated, pending conservation).

    T29, located between IV.17.2 and IV.17.1, continued the examination of the western foundation uncovered in T23 (2011).

    Room 18 of IV.17.1 contained three trenches, each of which revealed a partially preserved cocciopesto surface below the topsoil. T32 was located in the SW corner. Its western wall was constructed on the cocciopesto floor, but the southern wall was deeply bedded. T31A was located in the middle of Room 18 extending from the northern wall. The foundation of the northern wall consists of a lower pour (an earlier building phase) and an upper pour (later). The upper foundation is integral with a N-S foundation, connected to another E-W foundation (possibly for low walls or for floor support). T31B extended from the west of T31A, revealing features associated architecturally with the lower level foundation of the northern walls, including a step and part of a reticulate wall.

    T34 was located in the southeast corner of Room 17 of IV.17.1. Two surfaces were uncovered: a cocciopesto surface below topsoil with a hole surrounding the opening of a decapitated Dressel 20 amphora. This surface rested on 0.75 meters of sand (into which the amphora was set), below which was a partially preserved cocciopesto floor. The trench exposed the foundations of the east wall which showed a clear seam, suggesting the mixtum A east wall is secondary. The lower cocciopesto floor was probably associated with an earlier structure represented by the lower foundation.

    In T30, located in Room 17 of IV.17.1, five distinct phases were identified. The lowest floor level (Phase 1) ran 0.60 meters below the latericium bedding course of the eastern wall, and the foundations were plastered. In the north, stairs were uncovered, ascending from the west in Phase 2 before the construction of the western wall. In the 3rd phase, two large amphorae were set into the floor (storage or latrine?). Phase 4 contained a latrine/drain construction in the space of the southern doorway (later covered by Phase 5, a floor covering all of Room 17).

    T33 was located in the open area east of IV.17.1. The predominant feature was a well-packed ground-raising fill containing numerous finds dating from 1st-2nd c. CE.

    T28, located to the north of the synagogue, revealed three layers of pavement spanning from the 3rd to the 6th cent. CE. T18BE (2011) was reopened to excavate beneath the robbed-out area of the Via Severiana. There were several preparation layers below the highway but no evidence of an earlier road.


  • L. Michael White - University of Texas and Institute for the Study of Antiquity and Christian Origins


  • Brent Nongbri
  • Mary Jane Cuyler - University of Sydney
  • Alan Stearman
  • Shannon Iverson
  • Daniela Williams - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Adele Rinaldi - Roma La Sapienza
  • Edvige Patella
  • Letizia Ceccarelli - University of Cambridge
  • Marzia Di Mento - L.A.T.E.R.E.S. ARC. TER
  • Cavan Concannon
  • Claudio Negrini
  • Jonathan Maclellan
  • Michael Flexsenhar
  • Tony Keddie – University of Texas at Austin
  • Amanda Kimura
  • Luca Mocchegiani Carpano - Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (H&S Officer) per l'attività di ricerca e studio archeologico della UTEXAS

Research Body

  • The University of Texas at Austin (Ostia Synagogue Masonry Analysis Project, OSMAP)

Funding Body

  • The Institute for the Study of Antiquity and Christian Origins at the University of Texas at Austin


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