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  • Spina
  • Spina, Valle Lepri
  • Spina
  • Italy
  • Emilia-Romagna
  • Province of Ferrara
  • Comacchio



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • The main aims of the 2014 campaign undertaken by Zurich University at the Etruscan town of Spina were to study the two channels excavated in 2013, to check the plan of the rectangular, period XI building (dated by the new stratigraphy to the early 4th century B.C.), and to excavate the hump outside the house towards the north channel. The excavations also revealed the presence of an earlier phase (period XII, perhaps dating to the first decades of the 5th century B.C.), situated below a substantial layer of sterile clay. The first evidence (a long timber beam) suggests the existence of a building, which seems to be on the same alignment and same position as the later houses.
    The fill of the west channel, largely made up of pottery, was partially removed (US 239). The numerous timber posts (mainly oak) along the sides of both channels perhaps represent various phases of the settlement’s life and do not belong to a single phase (period IX, mid 4th century B.C.) as previously thought. Several thin planks of wood in a horizontal or slightly slanting position were present to the sides of the channels. They perhaps related to the preparation of the ground surface prior to construction.

    Outside the quadrangular period IX house, on the embankments to the west and north along the two channels, several small, shallow, rectangular, oval, or irregular pits were excavated, probably linked to craft-working activities carried out around the house.
    The excavation of the rectangular period XI (early 4th century B.C.) house with two large internal timber supporting posts and portico on the south side was completed. It was not possible to establish definitively the interior spatial division of the house. The traces of its structures were not clear enough to permit a reliable reconstruction. The foundation timbers dating to this period rested on small terracotta slabs. The slabs had been reused (like those of the later period IX). Rectangular wooden boards were found underneath the terracotta slabs in the three corners of the building that were excavated. These were perhaps markers used during the building’s construction.

    A small sub-rectangular pit (US 312^ and fill US 313)) was found immediately inside the threshold, in the western part of the north wall, a votive deposit linked to a foundation ritual. It contained two partially preserved jars, half a plate, an amphora handle and an almost intact red-figure kylix placed upside down on the other fragments. Only the foot of the kylix was missing, perhaps intentionally broken. The pit was then closed with a thin layer of clay. This deposit, together with other finds from this season’s excavations, dates the rectangular house to the early 4th century B.C.

  • Christoph Reusser - Istituto di Archeologia dell'Università di Zurigo 


  • Christoph Reusser, Istituto di Archeologia dell'Università di Zurigo


  • Assistenti, dottorandi e studenti delle Università di Zurigo e di Firenze
  • Martin Mohr- Istituto di Archeologia dell'Università di Zurigo
  • Luca Cappuccini- Università di Firenze

Research Body

  • Istituto di Archeologia- Università di Zurigo
  • Università di Zurigo

Funding Body

  • Ufficio federale della cultura


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