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  • Tassignano - TaxC
  • Tassignano
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Province of Lucca
  • Capannori



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

  • AIAC_logo logo

Summary (English)

  • This was the second excavation and archaeological field-school on the Roman site of Tassignano di Capannori (Lu). As in the previous season, there were two phases; the first was the field-school during which pupils from the San Giovanni Bosco Junior School participated in the excavation, and a second technical-scientific phase during which the actual archaeological research took place. The aim was to check the extension of the site to the north and west of the area investigated in 2014.

    The excavation clarified several aspects of the plan, excluding the extension to the west of the building to which structures 5-17 belonged. In fact, no traces of walls or robber trenches were present in that sector of the site.
    The question of the extension to the north is less certain. Here there was a ditch (US 33) that was perfectly aligned with wall 5, which could be interpreted as a robber trench. However, the fill, a largely sterile clayey deposit (US 30) without mortar residue (on the contrary abundant in the fill of robber trenches 21, 24, 29), the level of the context and morphology of the trench, contradicted this apparently obvious interpretation.
    It was seen that the original building did not continue in the western or eastern extensions of the excavation area.

    Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the complex of structures found to date, both positive (US 5, 17) and negative (US 21, 24, 29), formed the north-eastern corner of the ancient building. To the north and west were external spaces used as service areas, as attested by the structures and stratigraphies represented by US 33-38.
    The rest of the settlement developed towards the south, within the same plot of land investigated to date, and to the east, in the area corresponding with the present access road to Tassignano airport.


  • Alessandro Giannoni - direttore del Museo Archeologico Etnografico di Capannori (Lu)


  • Elena Genovesi

Research Body

  • Gruppo Archeologico Capannorese

Funding Body

  • Istituto Comprensivo Carlo Piaggia di Capannori (Lu)


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