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  • Kakaricka gora
  • Crna Gora
  • Kakaricka gora
  • Montenegro
  • Podgorica



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

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    Archaeological excavation of tumulus in Kakarickagoraenforced within the period from 12 11 – 10. 12. 2015. A professional team was formed of: archaeologistLenkaSaveljić-Bulatović – research director, archaeologists MilošŽivanović,DejanDrašković, Ivana Živanović, conservator MilicaŽarić. Supervision over the present research was carried out by archaeologistDejanGazivoda.
    Kakarickagora is located in the southeastern part of Montenegro, in the Municipality of Podgorica. It is a little more than four kilometers from the capital. On Kakarickagora extends a few stone tumulus, which may belong to the Bronze or Iron Age. Mounds of stone or earth are a phenomenon that is linked to the burial of different groups of people during the Iron Age. On the territory of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian and southwestern Serbia burials under tumuli are tied with approximately mid eneolita until the end of the Iron Age.
    The tumulus, which consisted of large and small pile of rocks, the height of 2m and 10m in diameter, located in the northwestern part of the drywall constructed fortifications 40×40m with four circular towers at the ends. The entire site is located on the highest point Kakarickegore.
    First, after cleansing the terrain and the very walls of the fortification densely overgrown shrubs removed the first level of the stones from the top of the tumulus, when it became clear that the tumulus is actually on the north and east sides has perimeter walls length 6-7 m, thickness of 0.7 m. These two walls, it turned out later, the burial chamber closed 4×4m.
    After removes stones from the north and east side of tumulus was clearly define wall that slopes into three levels to the ground.To the west and south sides of tumuli are two stone walls enclosed rooms, measuring 5×2 m and 5×1m.In the antechamber 1, on the west side, was open the control trench ( 4×0,5m) where are occurs live rock.
    It is interesting that the outer face of the walls on the north and east of the tumulus was done beautifully, while the one on the south and west, very bad.These two walls on the north and east sides have a nice aspect and on the inside wall too, while the south and west walls of the burial chambers were subsequently given for these walls and have no inner face.In the middle of the tumulus came to the level of the ground at a depth of about 1.5 meters compared to the current maximum height of tumulus, and during stone removal is ordered many items that are exclusively linked to the military.Cyst therefore not found or traces of disruption can be seen in the fact that it is a meter deep dislocated found fragmented human bones (probably part of the tibia) and several smaller bones.In the middle of the burial chamber was opened 2×2m sounde in which there was no archaeological finds. First was removed layer of dark brown soil mixed with stone and recent material (SJ 1).Just below there is a layer of very compact redish-dark countries (SJ 2), by which the removal of coming up to the living rock (SJ3). The tumulus is difficult to datedbecause during the research they are revealed only scattered human bones and fractional. It is evident that the tumulus was robbed of what we find confirmation in the middle of the tumulus, where they found a broken stone slabs. Only after the dating method C 14 i we can further specify the location.
    Preventive been preserved all the inner walls of the burial chamber, the walls anteroom and southwest corner of the burial chamber, due to the danger of further collapse. All the stone tumulus is arranged on the west and east of the tumulus.



  • Lenka Bulatovic - JU Muzeji i galerije Podgorice


  • Dejan Drašković
  • Ivana Živanović
  • Miloš Živanović
  • Milica Žarić

Research Body

  • Muzeji i galerije Podgorice

Funding Body


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