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  • Pulo di Molfetta
  • Molfetta
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Bari
  • Molfetta



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • The excavations begun in 1997 on the so-called “fondo Azzollini”, the plateau which touches the scarp on its southern flank, have been re-opened (trench 3) and extended to cover an area of 156sq.m.
    The area has been acquired from the Comune of Molfetta and the Superintendency’s research forms part of an overall project to improve and develope the `site, which is open to the public. A single road leads from the hollow to the ridge above it.
    The date of the context containing impressed pottery which was visible in the levels north of the large wall has been confirmed by uncalibrated C14 dating at 7134 + 60 BP ( dating by CEDAD at Lecce University). Investigation continued of the site’s earliest sequence which is situated up against the wall. A band of brownish-grey levels was identified, well preserved despite deep-ploughing. They were circa 2m wide and rich in pottery sherds and fragments of plaster. Below was a deposit within a ditch dug into the natural. It had an irregular plan, with a maximum width of 7m and was characterized by the presence of two small structures in baked-clay. Their height, position and structure is analogous with the “hearths”, found placed on the natural, in previous excavation campaigns. There was an abundance of impressed pottery in both levels, which confirms the possibility of being able to fix the various moments of frequentation within the neolithic strata.
    North of the wall, investigation of the stratigraphic units continued. These were characterized by thick patches of crushed stone/gravel within a yellowish-grey clay sediment. They contained well- levigated and painted pottery (red bands, three coloured decoration) which can be dated to a time when the wall was out of use during the mid-Neolithic period. On one occupation level a grey patch containing charcoal (diam. circa 70cm) was visible. This overlay an uneven base of baked-clay, what remained of a sub-circular hearth. (Francesca Radina)



  • Francesco Sanseverino
  • Iole Caramuta
  • Italo M. Muntoni
  • Maria Ella Cioce
  • Michele Sicolo
  • Nicola Martinelli
  • Francesca Radina - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia
  • Michele Maggiore
  • Girolamo Fiorentino - Università del Salento
  • Giuseppe Lasorella

Research Body

Funding Body

  • Comune di Molfetta
  • Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia


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