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  • Teatro Greco
  • Villa Adriana
  • Tiburtina Villa
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Tivoli



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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Summary (English)

  • The tenth and final excavation campaign on the Greek theatre of Hadrian’s villa centred on the west side of the stage building (trench 55) and the area immediately to its north.
    Trench 55 was opened in the western corner of the stage building and substantially extended towards the west of trench 52, opened in 2011.

    This trench aimed to document, in its entirety, the section of staircase that was partially exposed during the previous season. The excavation revealed two steps and the impression of a third. In the second place, an analysis was made of how this sector communicated with the crypta. The symmetry of the construction, typical of the Greek theatre, suggested that the same elements were present on this side as on the eastern side of the crypta. For this reason, the modern structure was dismantled and excavation was taken down to the floor level, of which only a few patches of its make up survived. A large amount of pottery and opus sectile fragments were recovered. Another reason for opening this trench was to examine the covering of the crypta in this sector. As on the opposite side, it was seen that in an earlier period the crypta was partially covered by a round vault, which terminated at a pillar that is partially preserved. It is likely, bearing in mind the presence of the staircase mentioned above, that the final part of the crypta was covered by a rampant vault, which sprung in correspondence with the top of the pillar. Only the lowest parts of the flanks of the rampant vault are preserved.

    Contrary to the other trenches, which once excavated and recorded were back filled, it was decided not to rebuild the covering and wall closing the crypta, both of which were modern restorations. As well as being ethically correct, this decision makes it easier for the public to understand the true form of the postscaenium and the way it functioned.

    Trench 56, situated in the northern sector of the theatre, extended trench 54 opened in 2011. The aim was to expose the system of drains, already partially uncovered during previous seasons, and to define the situation in the south-west zone of the postscaenium. A first drain with an “a cappuccina” covering on a north-south alignment was identified. This was connected to a second drain on an east-west alignment, of which only the covering was preserved. As regards the south-western sector of the postscaenium, a segment of wall on a north-south alignment was identified. The wall probably delimited the postscaenium area, and it is likely that an access to this area opened in the wall. This is a preliminary interpretation still in the study phase.

  • Consuela Manna  
  • Loreto Gómez Araujo 


  • Rafael Hidalgo Prieto - Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla


  • Marta Velázquez Rojas
  • Inmaculada Carrasco Gómez
  • Manuel Buzón Alarcón
  • Rosario Rovira
  • Ignacio Morón Cabrera

Research Body

  • Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla

Funding Body

  • Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía
  • Ministerio de Cultura de España


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