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  • Cava Filo
  • Croara
  • Monte Castello



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • This year, a trench was opened on a north-south alignment (trench 2011/A) in the “Cavità Galleria NS” measuring about 5 × 3 m and at a depth of 130 cm from ground level.

      The stratigraphic sequence visible in the wall of trench 2011/A was made up of a series of disturbed layers (US200/201) and a compact layer of brown silty clay, variegated with grey and red, called US 100 (US 100, 101, 102, 103).
      An outcrop of gypsum emerged in the bottom of the trench, which is probably situated close to the base of the Cavità Galleria NS.
      A considerable number of fossilized bones were found towards the bottom of trench 2011/A, in US 102. These included the tibia and radius (nos. 11,064 and 11,065) of a bison, the cranium and a molar of a megaceros (nos. 11,071 and 11,072). The context had clearly been disturbed during the excavations undertaken in the 1960s and 70s.

      At the same time a series of sediment samples, for the extraction of fossil pollen, were taken along the south side of trench 2011/A. During the first week of geo-paleontological research, 123 fossils were collected. The following finds were selected for radiocarbon dating at the University of Groningen Centre for Isotope Research: – First phalange of bison no. 11,077 from US 102, close to the bottom of trench 2011/A, at 270 cm below relative zero (C.G.T.102-11077). – Fragment of bison astragalus no. 11,081 from US 100, close to the west wall of the Cavità Galleria NS, at 140 cm below relative zero (C.G.100-11081). – Bison rib no. 11,100 from US 99 from the base of pozzo Pasini (B.P.P.99-11.100). – Upper molar from a megaceros no. 11,072, from US 201, close to the north wall of trench 2011/A (C.G.201-11072).

    • Benedetto Sala - Università degli Studi di Ferrara 



    • Andrea Morello - Università degli Studi di Bologna
    • Elena Ghezzo - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
    • Marco Chili - Museo della Preistoria "L. Donini" di S. Lazzaro
    • P. Reggiani
    • Paolo Paronuzzi - Università degli Studi di Udine
    • Valerio Lucano - Museo della Preistoria "L. Donini" di S. Lazzaro
    • Giuliana Steffè - Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici dell’Emilia Romagna

    Research Body

    • Museo della Preistoria "L. Donini" di S. Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna

    Funding Body


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