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  • Buca di Spaccasasso
  • Alberese
  • Italy
  • Tuscany
  • Provincia di Grosseto
  • Province of Grosseto



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • In September 2007 the Prehistory Laboratory of Siena University – Grosseto annex undertook the fourth excavation campaign in the Grotto di Spaccasasso (Alberese, GR), situated in the interior of the Maremma Regional Park.

      The investigation continued ins

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    • Between August and September 2008 excavations continued on the Copper Age funerary chamber which had been investigated in previous campaigns. Together with still abundant pottery fragments numerous fragments of human skeletal remains were found. The repert... Read More
    • In the period between the 24th August and 11th September 2009 an anthropogenic deposit in primary deposition was excavated and recorded according to the methodology put into place during previous campaigns.

      The archaeological deposit of the Buca di Spac

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    • Between 23rd August and the 11th September 2010 the Prehistory Department of Siena University undertook the sixth excavation campaign at Buca di Spaccasasso (Alberese, GR), in the Maremma Regional Park.

      Work continued on the removal of the fill from the

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    • This campaign continued excavating the fill of a “funerary chamber”, dating to the full Copper Age. The funerary remains lay beneath a deposit constituted by rocky detritus resulting from the quarrying of cinnabar, present in veins in the bank of limestone... Read More
    • Between the 20th August and 12th September, the prehistory department of the University of Siena undertook the eighth excavation campaign at the Buca di Spaccasasso (Alberese, GR), in the Parco Regionale della Maremma. Students from Trømso University (Nor... Read More
    • Nel periodo tra il 19-31 agosto 2013 si sono svolte le indagini stratigrafiche alla Buca di Spaccasasso (Alberese, GR), nel Parco Regionale della Maremma. Hanno partecipato alla campagna studenti dei Corso di Laurea Triennale e Magistrale dell’Università ... Read More
    • This was the 10th season of excavation and research on the Poggio di Spaccasasso in the Maremma Regional Park. The aim was to investigate the open-air quarry used for working the veins of cinnabar present in the limestone of Poggio di Spaccasasso. The cinn... Read More
    • This was the 11th campaign of excavations carried out by the University of Siena’s Laboratory of Prehistoric Archaeology and Interuniversity Research Centre for the Study and Promotion of Prehistoric Cultures, Technologies and Landscapes. During the 2015 ... Read More
    • Per sopraggiunti problemi organizzativi la campagna di scavo non ha avuto corso.... Read More
    • This year, two short campaigns took place on the site of Poggio di Spaccasasso. The excavations were carried out by Siena University’s Laboratory of Prehistoric Archaeology and the Interuniversity Research Centre for the Study and Promotion of Prehistoric ... Read More
    • This was the 14th campaign of excavations at Poggio di Spaccasasso, in the Maremma Regional Park (Alberese – GR).

      Excavation continued in the north-west and south-west sectors of the plateau quarry, which were opened in 2017. Work also continued in the n

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  • 4000 BC
  • 2800 BC
  • 2000 BC