  • Situl arheologic de la Galaţi - „cartierul Dunărea“
  • Galaţi
  • Romania
  • Galați County
  • Municipiul Galaţi


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    • The archaeological site lies to the south of the Ţiglina Plateau which is a high terrace at the confluence of the Siret River with the Danube River. The south-west border of this terrace ends in a steep slope where the archaeological complexes from the Roman period concentrate. The 2004 campaign archaeological excavations aimed at delimiting the areas wholly or partially damaged over the years and, implicitly, at setting up the archaeological reservation. The rescue excavations were conducted from the late '80s of the last century. We identify an earth castellum from the Roman period and "other three precincts delimited by defense trenches, where only amphora sherds were uncovered", possibly storage places from the 2nd-3rd centuries AD. Meanwhile, the Roman castellum precinct must have been used for storing Roman oil amphoras. The surface on which these fortifications stand is about 10 ha. Also here we mapped 81 graves belonging to the largest Roman cemetery known to this day in the southern area of Moldavia (a surface of about 5 ha). One and a half km to the north -east of the castellum we uncovered also a Roman tomb dating to the 4th century. In 2004 we excavated both the cemetery and the fortification. In the cemetery we uncovered seven Roman graves, five of which are cremation ones, with burned pits and two inhumation graves. The grave goods include coarsewares (cups, jugs), ornaments and costumes (gem rings), nails and pegs. The Roman fortification, known in the relevant literature under the name of castellum is located on the south margin of the Ţiglina Plateau, that is in the south-east of the archaeological reservation. The area was severely damaged by the contemporary building works. The excavations uncovered both the walls of the castellum and the defense trenches, situated on the four sides, with openings ranging from 10 m to 4 m and depths from 3.2 m to 1.8 m. Following the excavations into the fortification, we could establish, besides the planimetry of the defense system, some details on the building of the fortification trenches, as well as a correlation of the stratigraphy of the fossa with the patterns of the amphoras which will make possible to better know the chronology of the fortification.


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