  • Colle di Osoppo
  • Colle di Osoppo
  • Osopus
  • Italy
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Udine
  • Remanzacco


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1200 BC - 1000 BC
  • 200 BC - 100 BC
  • 400 AD - 600 AD
  • 1094


    • The site is situated on an ample, naturally-protected rise, in a position dominating the surrounding plain and ancient road. Material was recovered that documents Final Bronze Age occupation, while traces of Iron Age activity are less certain. The permanent settlement dates from the period of Romanization (2nd century B.C.) with the dwellings on the hill and a necropolis at its feet. In the late antique-early medieval period between the 5th and 6th centuries, the site was enlarged to become a castrum, with a baptistery (dedicated to St. Peter) and residential area. Traces of Roman houses with overlying late-antique buildings and early medieval occupation emerged near the ex-church of St. Peter. This was also the site of a castle in the late medieval period and of a parish church, attested by documents of 1094. At present the remains of the ancient church, which are being incorporated into a museum, are visible. (Luca Villa)


    • L. Villa, 1995, Osoppo. Storia, arte e archeologia, Fagagna.
    • L. Villa, 2000, Aspetti e tendenze della prima diffusione del Cristianesimo nel territorio aquileiese alla luce dei dati archeologici, in Aquileia romana e cristiana fra II e V secolo, Antichità Altoadriatiche XLVII, Trieste: 391-437.
    • L. Villa, 2001, I centri fortificati tardoantichi-altomedievali del Friuli alla luce dei nuovi dati archeologici, in Paolo Diacono ed il Friuli altomedievale (sec. VI-X), Atti del XIV Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo (Cividale, 24-29 settembre 1999), Spoleto: 825-862.
    • L. Villa, 2003, Edifici di culto in Friuli tra l’età paleocristiana e l’altomedioevo, in H.R. Sennhauser (a cura di), Frühe Kirchen im östlichen Alpengebeit Von der Spātantike bis in ottonische Zeit (Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, Heft 123), München: 497-581.
    • L. Villa, c.s., Lo scavo di S. Giorgio ad Attimis e la questione dello stanziamento dei Goti nelle Venezie, in M. Buora-L. Villa (a cura di), I Goti nell'Italia settentrionale e nell'arco alpino orientale, Atti dell'Incontro di Studi Internazionale (Udine-Attimis 20-21 marzo 2003).