  • Collina di S. Martino
  • Collina di S. Martino
  • Artenia


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    • 200 BC - 1 BC
    • 400 AD - 600 AD
    • 1000 AD - 1492 AD


      • The site is situated on a hill dominating the surrounding area and ancient roads. The earliest traces of occupation date to the late Republican period (2nd-1st century B.C.), although it is not possible to establish the nature, function or typology of the settlement. It is not clear whether occupation in the Roman period was continuous, but this seems likely. A large scale phase of development is documented in the late antique-early medieval period, between the 5th and 6th centuries, with the creation of a castrum with an imposing defensive wall and infrastructures within, of which a large cistern is conserved. There is occupation evidence for the entire early medieval period. In the late medieval period it is the site of a castle and parish church dedicated to San Martino, very probably of early origin, at least early medieval. (Luca Villa)


      • L. Villa, 2001, I centri fortificati tardoantichi-altomedievali del Friuli alla luce dei nuovi dati archeologici, in Paolo Diacono ed il Friuli altomedievale (sec. VI-X), Atti del XIV Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo (Cividale, 24-29 settembre 1999), Spoleto: 825-862.
      • L. Villa, c.s., Lo scavo di S. Giorgio ad Attimis e la questione dello stanziamento dei Goti nelle Venezie, in M. Buora-L. Villa (a cura di), I Goti nell'Italia settentrionale e nell'arco alpino orientale, Atti dell'Incontro di Studi Internazionale (Udine-Attimis 20-21 marzo 2003).