  • Via Silvio Pellico
  • Milano
  • Mediolanum
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Milan
  • Milan


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 800 BC - 700 BC
  • 1 AD - 200 AD
  • 300 AD - 1492 AD


    • During restructuring work on the ex-Albergo Diurno Cobianchi archaeological investigations were undertaken, concentrated mainly in a what is called “room A”, divided into a north and south sector. Subsequently, excavation was carried out in two smaller rooms (rooms B and C). A series of walled structures belonging to one or more buildings of Imperial and late Imperial date were documented. _Phase I_ In “room A” numerous cuts were revealed relating to the abandonment/destruction of structures with wooden supports. _Phase II_ A series of land reclamation operations were undertaken on the sub-surface including the placement of amphorae for drainage, cobbled surfaces and the putting down of layers of silt and gravel prior to the construction of a large building. Four rooms of the building, in cobbles and brick fragments bonded by a strong mortar, have been identified in “room A”, of which one is larger than the others and houses two small channels. The two adjacent rooms, which are long and narrow, seem to be linked to the main room by a small corridor. In the south zone the remains of a row of small rooms were found. The diversity of size and construction techniques of the walls suggests the two zones investigated were destined for different uses: in the north there appears to be a monumental building, perhaps public, in the south the more modest structures may be service rooms belonging to the latter or rooms belonging to a _domus_. _Phase III_ In “room A” of phase II a new channel was created over the preceding ones. Immediately to the south what is probably an exedra was built (late antique period) in regular courses of cobbles and brick fragments bonded with strong mortar. In the southern zone the room from the previous phase was enlarged, creating a new room with a channel. _Phase IV_ In “room A” the channels fell into disuse and wells, tanks and structures for the disposal of effluents were constructed. In the south zone brick pilasters, wells and cisterns are built. The data suggests that in the early medieval/medieval period this zone returned to being an open space, whilst the built up areas moved further south towards piazza Duomo. (Roberta Cavalli, Carla Pagani)
    • _Phase I_ In this excavation area, “room D”, the first occupation phase is documented by the presence of a large square room (9,50m x 11,15m) with opus signinum pavements (117.30-35m a.s.l.). The room seems divided into two sectors by a wall on an east-west alignment. Traces of walls and remains of opus signinum flooring were identified to the north and west of this room, suggesting that the structure continued in these directions. The structures found in “room D” are compatible in building technique and alignment with those of phase II of the 2003-2004 campaign. However, the floor level is not compatible as it is circa 0.80m higher in the rooms of “room D” but the presence of earlier floor levels, which could not be investigated, cannot be excluded. _Phase II_ In the large room identified in phase I, divided into two parts, the dividing wall was removed and a new tile pavement was laid (117.70m a.s.l.). The phase I room identified to the north is reduced in size. The structures from phase I and II probably belong to the Roman monumental building, identified during the 2003-2004 campaign, and its subsequent modifications. _Phase III_ In the eastern part of the area, following a period of abandonment attested by the accumulation of various deposits, the Roman structure was systematically robbed, probably over a long period of time. Several structures are then built on a NW-SE alignment, in regular brick courses bonded with mortar. (Roberta Cavalli, Carla Pagani)


    • R. Cavalli, C. Pagani, 2005, Milano. Via Silvio Pellico. Indagini archeologiche, in NOTIZIARIO 2005, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 142-145.
    • S. Jorio, 1984, Milano, via Tommaso Grossi. Scavo nel sottopasso della banca nazionale del Lavoro, in NOTIZIARIO 1984, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 101-102.
    • S. Jorio, 1985, Via S. Margherita-via S. Pellico, in NOTIZIARIO 1985, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 121-122.
    • C. Pagani 2000, La decorazione parietale, in Milano tra l’età repubblicana e l’età augustea, Atti del Convegno di Studi (26-27 Marzo 1999), Milano: 245-254.
    • D. Perring, 1991, Lo scavo di via Tommaso Grossi, in D. Caporosso (a cura di), Scavi MM3. Ricerche di archeologia urbana a Milano durante la costruzione della linea 3 della Metropolitana, 1982-1990, Milano: 211-228.