  • Via Lanzone, 4
  • Milano
  • Mediolanum
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Milan
  • Milan


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 100 BC - 2000 AD


    • During the construction of an underground car park in the condominial garden of via Lanzone several trial trenches were dug. The area, situated near the circus outside the Republican city walls, is known for finds relating to residential structures which must have marked the beginning of the city’s suburbs. The earliest documented phase relate to a residential structure with a hypocaust floor. This was preceded by one or more settlement phases for which there is only partial evidence. Seven phases have been identified, dating from the Roman period to the present day. _Phase I_: a probable drainage layer formed of amphorae was obliterated by three deposits containing black glaze pottery. To the north was a “U” shaped structure constituted by a course of flat blocks on which rested fragments of brick and amphora. _Phase II_: the preceding structures were obliterated and substituted with a new square structure, perhaps the foundation of a small pilaster, similar to that documented in phase I. _Phase III_: a rectangular structure with a heating system, of which only the floor on which the pilae rested is preserved but not the suspensura. The perimeter walls are built in diverse techniques: the facings in opus spicatum and in bricks placed on their sides and flat. The pilae are arranged in four parallel rows and are made of two brick cylinders placed one above the other (diameter o.14 m). The black and white mosaic tesserae and several small flat pieces of marble, found in a midden, may indicate a decorated (mosaic and opus sectile?) pavement. _Phase IV_: two layers containing numerous fragments of painted plaster (second half of the 1st century A.D.) obliterate the phase III structure. _Phase V_: (medieval period): the area was completely buried by a black organic deposit which may be interpreted as dark earth. Phases VI-VII (modern and contemporary periods): three structures were identified relating to a modern building which probably existed until the area was turned into a garden. (Delfina Consonni, Carla Pagani)


    • D. Consonni, C. Pagani, 2005, Milano. Via Lanzone 4. Sondaggi, in NOTIZIARIO 2005, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 140-142.