  • Piano San Giovanni
  • Canosa


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    • 200 AD - 1800 AD


      • The excavations at Canosa di Puglia started at the beginning of this decade as a joint project between the Universities of Foggia and Bari, the Archaeological Superintendency of Apulia and the local administration. The project was centred on the analysis of the transformations of the city and territory between antiquity and the medieval period. The most important moment for the research has been the excavation of two early Christian complexes in the city, both connected to the figure of bishop Sabino, who was certainly on the Episcopal throne in the second quarter of the 6th century. These are the complex of San Pietro traditionally identified with the bishop’s seat but, on the contrary, revealed by the excavations to have been a funerary church, and the complex of San Giovanni-Santa Maria-San Salvatore, the object of investigations in the past. The excavations in this area between 2006 and 2009 brought to light the remains of an Early Christian basilica pre-dating the well-known 6th century baptistery. The church had a polychrome mosaic floor, a 6th century remake of an earlier mosaic (visible in the sections of the excavation of a number of early medieval tombs), probably relating to the construction of the 4th-5th century church. In particular, part of the church façade was exposed, with an entrance to the central nave and the remains of the portico to the front. The church’s mosaic floor, which now covers most of the central nave, part of the south nave, the columns between the central nave and the south nave, the portico in front of the church were also exposed. In the latter space, in front of the entrance to the basilica, a mosaic carpet came to light depicting a kantheros with a deer on either side.. The discovery of a basilica pre-dating the 6th century in the area of S. Giovanni, combined with the what is known from the written sources, provided the necessary evidence for a proposal to revise the traditional interpretation of San Pietro as the city’s first cathedral in favour of the hypothesis which identifies the earliest urban Episcopal complex with the church of S. Maria (as an early medieval hagiographic source suggests) in the complex of San Giovanni.


      • G. Volpe, P. Favia, R. Giuliani, 2003, Edifici di culto della Puglia centrosettentrionale fra tarda antichità e alto medioevo: alcune recenti acquisizioni, in Hortus Artium Medievalium, 9 (= L’édifice cultuel entre les périodes paléochrétienne et carolingienne. 9th International Colloquium of International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages - Poreç, 17-21 maggio 2002): 55-94, in particolare su Canosa 63-71.
      • G. Volpe, 2007, Architecture and Church Power in Late Antiquity: Canosa and San Giusto (Apulia), in L. Lavan, L. özgenel, A. Sarantis (a cura di),Housing in Late Antiquity (Late Antique Archaeology, 3.2), Leiden: 131-168.
      • G. Volpe, 2005, Paesaggi e insediamenti rurali dell’Apulia tardoantica e altomedievale, in G. Volpe (a cura di), Paesaggi e insediamenti rurali in Italia meridionale fra Tardoantico e Altomedioevo. Atti del I seminario sul Tardoantico e l’Altomedioevo in Italia meridionale, (Foggia, 12-14 febbraio 2004), Bari: 299-314.
      • M. Corrente, R. Giuliani, D. Leone, 2005, I pavimenti musivi nell’area del battistero paleocristiano di San Giovanni a Canosa (BA): nuovi rinvenimenti, Atti del X Colloquio dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e la Conservazione del Mosaico (Lecce, 18-21 febbraio 2004), Roma: 79-98.
      • R. Giuliani, D. Leone, 2005, Indagini archeologiche nell’area di Piano San Giovanni a Canosa: il complesso paleocristiano e le trasformazioni altomedievali, in Vetera Christianorum 42-1: 147-172.
      • E. Giannichedda, R. Giuliani, E. Lapadula, F. Vona, 2005, Attività fusoria medievale a Canosa (BA), in Archeologia Medievale XXXII: c.s.
      • M. Corrente, R. Giuliani, D. Leone, 2007, Edilizia paleocristiana nell’area di Piano San Giovanni a Canosa di Puglia, in La cristianizzazione in Italia fra Tardoantico ed Altomedioevo. Aspetti e problemi. Atti del IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Cristiana (Agrigento, 20-25 novembre 2004): 1167-1200.
      • M. Corrente, A. De Stefano, R. Giuliani, A. Introna, D. Leone, 2004, (BA) Canosa di Puglia, Area di Piano San Giovanni. 2002-2003, in Archeologia Medievale XXXI: 343-344.
      • G. Volpe, A. De Stefano, R. Giuliani, D. Leone, 2007, Canosa e la sua prima cattedrale, in Archeologia Viva, XXVI, n. 121 n.s., gennaio-febbraio: 7.
      • A. De Stefano, R. Giuliani, D. Leone. G. Volpe, 2008, I mosaici e i rivestimenti marmorei della chiesa di s. Maria a Canosa di Puglia, Atti del XIII Colloquio AISCOM (Canosa di Puglia, 21-24 febbraio 2007), Roma: 3-22.
      • A. De Stefano, R. Giuliani, D. Leone. G. Volpe, 2008, Ricerche archeologiche nell’area di San Giovanni (campagna 2006), in Canosa. Ricerche Storiche 2007, Atti del Convegno (Canosa 16-18 febbraio 2007), a cura di L. Bertoldi Lenoci, Martina Franca: 53-76.
      • R. Giuliani, D. Leone, 2011, La cattedrale paleocristiana di S. Maria a Canosa: nuovi dati sulle pavimentazioni musive, in Atti del XVI Colloquio AISCOM (Palermo - Piazza Armerina, 17 - 20 marzo 2010), Tivoli: 153-176.