  • Frazione Cascine San Pietro - Cascina Porra
  • Frazione Cascine San Pietro - Cascina Porra


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    • 1 AD - 100 AD


      • Archaeological excavations have brought to light a major workshop of the production of bricks and tiles and characterized by three kilns and various other structures, less well preserved, that can be attributed to the same complex. The best-preserved kiln has a rectangular chamber supported on arches with a single central corridor. The third chamber was built on the remains of the second, and had a double corridor. At least one period of use of the workshop can be dated to the first century A.D. by a sherd of thin-walled pottery. The choice of the site is more obscure, as there are no substantial deposits of suitable brick clay in the area.


      • Laura Simone Zopfi, Carlo Liborio. 2012. Fornaci d’età romana per la produzione di laterizi a Cassano d’Adda (MI). FOLD&R Italy: 250.


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