  • Ex Carcere Minorile
  • Pesaro
  • Italy
  • The Marches
  • Pesaro and Urbino
  • Pesaro


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1300 AD - 1650 AD


    • The excavation covered an area of about 1.363 m2, to a depth of 4 m below ground level. The remains of a residential structure were exposed, which the sources indicate was a pre-Renaissance farmhouse, built within the area where the later church of Santa Maria degli Angeli stood. The building was probably contemporary with the 14th century church of Santa Maria in Porto or Santa Maria Vecchia, built near the medieval port, outside the Malatestian city walls. The structure comprised a series of rooms, divided into a residential part and storage area. It was built on top of two buildings of different date, with a first forepart of medieval date situated further north and developing on an east-west alignment, and a second Renaissance structure abutting the building facing onto the present via Luca della Robbia. Two basement rooms were excavated inside the storerooms, the first 1.10 x 1.10 m, and the second 2.20 x 1.70 m. The basements were probably built during the first period of the farmhouse’s use. They were constructed with dry-stone internal facing walls and were used as larders or small cellars for food storage. Numerous grape seeds and carbonized seeds (beans and chickpeas) were recovered from inside the ceramic kitchen and tablewares found within the occupation layers. Among the pottery were an archaic grafitto basin, and an imitation Italo-Moorish bowl, datable to within and no later than the end of the 15th century. This period coincided with the abandonment of the cellars and the construction of new service rooms. Among the associated structures close to the complex were two wells. As regards the external areas, these were divided between a courtyard area, vegetable gardens, and middens. A large part of the southern sector furthest from the storerooms was used as a space for dumping waste from the pottery kilns characterising the area.


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