  • Serra is Araus
  • Serra is Araus
  • Serra is Araus


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    • No period data has been added yet


    • 4000 BC - 800 BC


      • The archaeological site is occupied by a prehistoric necropolis with chamber tombs, ‘a forno’ and well/pit tombs, two nuraghi and a nuragic village. Limited excavations in the 1950s and 60s took place on the necropolis which produced materials dating to the Neo-Eneolithic Ozieri and Monte Claro phases (4th and 3rd millennium B.C.) and the Bell Beaker/Bonnanaro A phase of the Early Bronze Age (end of the 3rd-beginning of the 2nd millennium B.C.). The published data was used as a point of departure for the reopening of investigations. The excavation area was provisionally divided into three main areas: (1) southern group of tombs, (2) northern group of tombs, and (3) area at the base of the hill on which the nuraghe Serra is Araus stands, where a calcarenite model of a nuraghe was discovered in 2000. In 2013 excavations took place in area 2 and 3. In area 2, two new single-celled ‘a forno’ tombs (13 and 14) with entry shaft and collapsed vault were exposed and excavated. Although disturbed, they still preserved some patches of the original deposit attributable to the Bonnanaro A culture of the Early Bronze Age. A series of man-made holes were documented cut into the sandstone bedrock. Some were aligned but their function and chronology remain unclear. Lastly, two rock-cut structures were excavated, with circular openings and cylindrical shafts (wells/pits A and B). The fills contained human bones and late Nuragic materials, elements suggesting they were late funerary structures. In area 3 the humus was removed from around the point where the model nuraghe was found in 2000. It was then decided to deepen the excavation in a limited number of sectors over a total area of 20 m2. The excavations uncovered the base of the model nuraghe, together with a small intact vase situated beside it. A wall relating to a presumably circular/oval structure was uncovered below a layer heavily disturbed by ploughing, at about 3 m from the original find spot. The study of the finds is ongoing, but almost all date to the Final Bronze Age-beginning of the Iron Age (10th-9th century B.C.).


      • E. Atzeni, 1973-1974, Nuovi idoli della Sardegna prenuragica, Studi Sardi, XXIII: 1-51.
      • G. Lilliu, 1957, La religione della Sardegna prenuragica. Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana 66: 7-96.
      • A. Usai, 2012, San Vero Milis. Un modello di nuraghe da Serra ‘e is Araus, in F. Campus, V. Leonellii, Simbolo di un simbolo. I modelli di nuraghe, Ittireddu: 252-253.