  • Eras de Peñarrubia
  • Campillos
  • Eras del Santo Cristo de Peñarrubia


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    • 300001 BC - 300000 BC
    • 0 AD - 150 AD
    • 450 AD - 600 AD
    • 3400 BC - 3300 BC
    • 70001 BC - 70000 BC


      • The first historiographical references to this (nowadays deserted) spot date to the 17th century, due to the fortuitous exhumation of Roman period remains. Local scholars gathered the news during the 19th century. Only in the latter decades of the previous century, however, did the first archeological interventions take place. Researchers from the University of Malaga carried them out, after the eviction of the population in order to build the Guadalteba reservoir. A series of structures dating to the Roman period were documented, and over them a Visigothic necropolis. The site is located in the flood-prone area of the reservoir, which becomes visible every few years. Significant erosion, dismantling and even disappearance of architectural structures, as well as plundering activities, had been favored by this circumstance. As a consequence of this deterioration, a new intervention was launched in 2002, developed within the Heritage Training Program “Escuela Taller Parque de Guadalteba” promoted by the Guadalteba Consortium. Thanks to these cleaning, excavation and documentation works, the time sequence of this site was extended. Over the whole surface of the site the presence of abundant stone bifacial flaking tool production was confirmed. This production dates to the Paleolithic and recent Prehistory and reflects a large and diversified human activity. (translation by Laura González Fernández)


      • Recio Ruiz, A. (2000): “Informe arqueológico de Campillos (Málaga)”, Mainake, XV-XVI, pp. 197-226.
      • Medianero, F. J., et alii (2002): “Intervención arqueológica de urgencia en el entorno de La Plataforma de Peñarrubia (Campillos, Málaga)", Mainake, XXIV, pp. 375-386.
      • Romero González, M. et alii (2004): Los Gaitanes/El Chorro. Guía de Turismo Natural. Aneax ediciones, Málaga, pp. 153 y 157.
      • Medianero, J., et alii (2005): “Evidencias de actividad prehistórica y nuevas estructuras romanas en las Eras de Peñarrubia, Parque Guadalteba. (Campillos, Málaga)”, Mainake, XXVII, pp. 303-321.
      • Medianero, J., et alii (2006): “Parque Guadalteba: desde la pertenencia al territorio hasta su domino y transformación del Paisaje”, AKROS, la Revista del Museo, 5, pp. 93-102.
      • Medianero Soto, J. (2006): “Parque Guadalteba: la necrópolis de época visigoda en Plataforma de Peñarrubia. Propuestas a un proceso histórico desconocido", Mainake, XXIX, pp. 501-517.
      • Medianero Soto, J. (2009): Turismo y patrimonio arqueológico: comarca de Guadalteba. Universidad de Málaga. Tesis Doctoral, inédita, pp. 56, 126, 171, 246 y 623.
      • Hernández, V., et alii (2012): “Raman spectroscopy analysis of Palaeolithic industry from Guadalteba terrace river, Campillos (Guadalteba county, Southern of Iberian Peninsula)”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43, pp. 1651-1657.