  • Croce
  • Croce
  • Italy
  • Basilicate
  • Province of Potenza
  • Marsicovetere


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1500 BC - 1400 BC


    • A cemetery dating to the mid Bronze Age has come to light at 803.32m above sea level. Archaeological investigation revealed six funerary structures. Four of the tombs (3, 4, 5 and 6) had been used, as attested by the presence of skeletal remains and grave goods, while the other two (7 and 8) had been prepared but were probably unused. Tombs 3, 5 and 6 are built of stone, while tombs 7and 8 are rock-cut. The structures are situated on a slight slope, covering an area of circa 50 square metres, protected to the sides by rocky outcrops. Tomb 5 occupies a central position around which the other burials are arranged in such a way as to emphasize the predominance of the central structure. It is probable that each burial was originally covered by a circular tumulus, the only visible traces of which remain those relating to tomb 3. However, stones of medium to large dimensions, arranged in more or less circular heaps (diameter c.3-3.5m), are present in the surface layers of tombs 5 and 6 and structure 7. This would seem to indicate the presence of tumuli between 0.50 and 1.20m high. The tomb groups are made up of impasto pottery dating to the beginning of the mid Bronze Age. Tomb 5 contained two small to medium size carinated bowls with ribbon handles and a jug; tomb 6 contained a tronconical bowl, a large carinated cup and a small biconical jug. (Maria Luisa Nava)


    • M.L. Nava, 2005, L`attivitá archeologica in Basilicata nel 2004, in Atti del XLIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 2004), Napoli, con rapporto di scavo di M. Denti: 332-336