  • Carrozze
  • Carrozze
  • Italy
  • Basilicate
  • Province of Potenza
  • Lavello


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1600 BC - 1400 BC
  • 900 BC - 700 BC
  • 600 BC - 200 BC


    • L'area risulta occupata sino agli ultimi decenni del IV secolo a.C. da nuclei abitativi sparsi, alternati a tombe e a spazi vuoti. Della fase di IV secolo a.C. si sono individuate e scavate tombe a fossa e a semicamera, monosome. Si segnala all'interno di una tomba una coppetta a vernice nera, con alfabetario di tipo arcaizzante graffito sul fondo. Alla stessa fase è pertinente una fossa di scarico, con terreno cineroso mescolato a frammenti di ceramica a vernice nera, a figure rosse (owl-skyphos) e a decorazione vegetale, oltre a vasi integri (epichysis, kylix sovraddipinta), probabilmente pertinenti a resti di sacrifici celebrati nell'area di necropoli. Dopo la presa di Lavello-Forentum da parte dei Romani, al precedente abitato sparso si sostituisce sulla collina di Gravetta uno stanziamento di limitata estensione. Alla necropoli è riservata la zona in contrada Carrozze, con l'uso ormai generalizzato delle tombe a camera ipogee a carattere familiare. Tra i rinvenimenti nelle sepolture più antiche (fine IV-inizi III secolo a.C.) si segnala una statuetta femminile seduta con polos e velo, che reca una patera e una colomba e uno stamnos miniaturistico con coperchio decorato nello stile di Gnathia. Ad un periodo più recente (post metà III secolo a.C.) è riferibile una tomba a camera con dromos. Alle due deposizioni rinvenute sono pertinenti servizi di ceramica listata C (askoi, brocche, vasi situliformi, askoi ornitomorfi), unguentari, ollette miniaturistiche, uno specchio in bronzo, strigili in ferro, statuette ellenistiche, tra cui una tanagrina e un attore comico. Uno dei defunti recava sul capo una corona di cinque rosette in oro con tracce di colore rosso, oltre ad uno splendido thymiaterion, con evidenti tracce di bruciato nella coppetta, una statuetta di figura sdraiata su kline, uno specchio in bronzo, uno strigile in ferro e una serie di rocchetti fittili. (Maria Luisa Nava)
    • A Bronze Age structure dug into a tufa bank was investigated. Aligned on a NW-SE axis, it is 14.50m long and between 2 and 4m wide. The structure was composed of a long dromos with dry-stone walls, built with large limestone blocks and small wedges, and a beaten earth floor. The dromos lead to a small sub-rectangular anti-chamber and the main, sub-oval chamber with benches around its walls. Halfway along its right hand wall was the entrance to a second, sub-circular chamber. The chambers contained evidence of various ritual activities which can be linked to cult-funerary practices. The initial rite, attested by the deposition of a large mammal's rib within an arrangement of stones on the chamber floor, was a propitiary fertility rite for the consacration of the structure. The presence in the overlying layers of numerous hearths containing the remains of the bones from mature animals (bos, sheep-goat, pig) attests ritual banqueting. Milk boilers and numerous cups suggest that libations were made using milk. The ritual levels are sealed by the inhumation of a female (aged 20-23 years). The tomb group comprised a stud in bronze lamina with embossed, dotted decoration and a miniature impasto cup. The numerous accumulations of ash and charcoal from the hearths present throughout the structure are the result of ritual practices. The material recovered included carinated cups with ribbon handles with out-turned points and/or a double handle below and rounded base, what are probably truncated-cone shaped bowls, situliform containers, jars, small jars with applied cordon decoration (either notched or impressed), bone needles or large pins, a spindle whorl and various splinters from flint working. The pottery typology places this structure within the early Proto-Appenine B culture. (Maria Luisa Nava)
    • At Lavello, località Carrozze, work has continued in an effort to limit damage caused by clandestine excavations in the area. Excavations have recovered 25 burials dating to between the archaic period and the end of the 4th century B.C. Unfortunately many of the burials have had part or all of their tomb groups removed in the recent past. The tomb typologies are those usually found at Lavello, that is "a fossa" with a sandstone slab cover, "a pozzo" and chamber tombs with dromos. New, important information regarding the occupation phases of the area was provided by the discovery of the bottom of an archaic hut. This was cut by two post-holes and was almost entirely covered by the fragments of a large pithos. The structure was heavily disturbed by the presence, below the pithos collapse, of chamber tomb 1117 and the subsequent collapse of its vault. The presence of votive offerings in the dromos of this tomb is worthy of note. Another important find, situated a few metres away from the above complex, was a production site dating to the 4th century B.C. This covered a vast slope and was composed of pits, post-holes and small channels dug into the soft bed-rock. The few finds recovered suggest that this was a plant for oil or wine production, given the many fragments of large pithoi which lay on top of the bed-rock. (Maria Luisa Nava)
    • This year investigations have continued in Località Carrozze, on the Di Ruvo-Duregon property. These have confirmed the presence of tombs dating to the 6th-3rd centuries B.C. The tombs are of the well known "fossa" type with a stone cover and chamber tombs, with dromos, dug into the bed rock. Unfortunately, a high percentage have been robbed quite recently, especially those situated away from the Carrozze road. The discovery of an early Iron age burial is of particular interest as it widens the site's chronology and provides preciser dating for the various occupation phases. As regards the Classical period, the identification of a fairly well conserved building confirms the overall impression of uniformity in this area, compared to other parts of Forentum. The structure comprises a single, rectangular room, with occupation levels and part of the tile roof collapse. The levels date to between the mid 5th and the end of the 4th centuries B.C. (Maria Luisa Nava)


    • M.L. Nava, 2002, L`attivitá archeologica in Basilicata nel 2001, Atti del XLI Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 2001), Taranto: 717-765.
    • M.L. Nava, 2004, L`attivitá archeologica in Basilicata nel 2003, Atti XLIII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 2003), Taranto: 933-1000, con rapporto di scavo di M. Denti: 956.
    • M.L. Nava, 2005, L`attivitá archeologica in Basilicata nel 2004, in Atti del XLIV Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 2004), Napoli, con rapporto di scavo di M. Denti: 332-336
    • M.L.Nava, 2000, L’attività archeologica in Basilicata nel 1999, Atti del XXXIX Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 1999), Napoli.