  • Balsignano
  • Balsignano
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Bari
  • Modugno


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 8000 BC - 6000 BC


    • This is an area of permanent occupation situated on a plateau of circa 2 hectares, facing Lama Lamasinata, south of Bari. Settlement began in the early Neolithic period (uncalibrated C14 6523 +/- 45 BP). The site produced impressed pottery with everted rims, undecorated pottery a small percentage of brown painted and pottery which was both painted and impressed. Two large, rectangular dwellings (7 x 4m) were excavated, beginning in 1993. They are situated at the centre of the plateau at a distance of circa 20m one from the other. The floors consisted of a loose gravel foundation with a beaten clay surface. The long sides of the huts are orientated on an east-west axis and the wattle and daub walls were built using clay from the site. To the south of both huts were work areas, with hearths made of limestone basoli and evidence of the typical activities found within neolithic comunities practicing cereal cultivation: elements of small flint scythes, grind stones made of limestone and large impressed pottery jars for storing dry foodstuff. A third structure, delimited by a stone enclosure, situated further uphill produced fragments of pottery decorated with red-painted bands. This indicates that the site survived until the end of the 5th millenium B.C., a date that had already been provided by a burial (No.2). Situated south-east of hut 1, the body was in a fetal position on its right side in a grave surrounded by stone blocks. There were no grave goods. A female burial (No.3) a simple inhumation, is datable to the earliest phases of the site. The body was in a severly contracted position, laying on one side and there were no grave goods. (Francesca Radina)


    • F. Radina (a cura di), 2002, La Puglia preistorica. Paesaggi, uomini e tradizioni di ottomila anni fa, Bari.