  • Borgo
  • Ostia antica
  • Gregoriopoli
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1400 AD - 1800 AD


    • In 2003 a collection of Medieval and Renaissance pottery was put on display in the castle at Ostia built in the second half of the fifteenth century by Cardinal Giuliano Della Rovere. The aim of this project was a greater use of the monument, including the opening to the public of some formerly closed rooms on the first floor of the Papal apartment and in the keep. The pottery on view, recovered in the course of 20th century excavations and restorations within the castle and the neighboring hamlet, includes both cookware (Red Band Ware, glazed cookware of the fifteenth-seventeenth century), and tableware (Monochrome Late Medieval Glaze, Maiolica Arcaica, Graffita, Renaissance Marmorizzata and Maiolica). The study of such materials has comprise a series of archeometric analyses on a large sample of Renaissance glaze typologies. These resulted in a more precise analysis of the technologies used and the methods of wear, and in particular a greater objectivity in the identification of the different productions, local and imported, on the basis of the petrographical analyses of the clays and surface treatments, and comparison with the major Italian production centers known from the bibliography. (Simona Pannuzi)


    • Simona Pannuzi. 2004. Castello di Ostia Antica: musealizzazione di ceramiche medievali e rinascimentali. FOLD&R Italy: 16.


    • S. Pannuzi (a cura di), 2003, Le ceramiche tardomedievali e rinascimentali del castello di Ostia Antica, Roma.
    • S. Pannuzi, B. Gambirasio, M.P. Riccardi, 2003, L'uso del blu su maioliche rinascimentali dal Borgo di Ostia Antica, "Albisola" 35: 173-180.
    • S. Pannuzi, P. Germoni, c.s., Il Borgo ed il Castello di Ostia Antica, Roma.
    • S. Pannuzi, M.P. Riccardi, 2003, Maioliche cinquecentesche dal Borgo di Ostia Antica: primi dati archeometrici, in Pre-tirage del III Convegno nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, Salerno (ottobre 2003), Firenze: 83-89.
    • U. Broccoli, 1983, Ricerche su Gregoriopoli: materiali e nuove acquisizioni per la storia del Borgo di Ostia Antica nel Medioevo, in Quaderni del Centro di Studio per l’Archeologia Etrusco-Italica”, (Archeologia Laziale), 5: 170-175.
    • M.P. Rosati, 1988, Dal Castello di Ostia Antica, in Archeo 40: 17.
    • M.P. Rosati, 1988, Per difendere Roma - La scoperta di Roma Medievale - La tradizione e la storia, in Archeo 46: 39-40, 43.
    • U. Broccoli, 1986, Ricerche su Ostia post-classica: scavi nel fossato della rocca di Giulio II, in Quaderni del Centro di Studio per l’Archeologia Etrusco-Italica”, (Archeologia Laziale) 6: 312-317.