  • Via G. Elter e via C. Battisti (area C.R.A.L.)
  • Aosta
  • Augusta Praetoria
  • Italy
  • Aosta Valley
  • Valle d'Aosta
  • Aosta


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 300 AD - 1600 AD


    • As a result of a preliminary survey in 2000 a series of rescue trenches were dug in the vast area occupied by the ex-maintenance workshops of the “Cogne” company. In fact the area was next to the Porta Decumana and the pagan necropolis situated outside the walls, later reorganised into a cemetery and Christian cult area. The structures found in the north-western sector belong to a late Roman building (4th century A.D.), probably a rural dwelling. A wall that had completely collapsed survived subsequent robbing and demolition preserving an opening defined by an arched lintel made of bricks, comparable to the openings in the towers along the city walls. The wall itself was constituted mainly by small stone elements: where the courses were still intact some tracts in a herring-bone pattern were visible, a technique also attested in the walls of the religious and funerary buildings that stood in the area around the same period. Other investigations in the north-eastern sector brought to light a wooden cistern for tanning hides. This was situated inside a structure near a canal. The workshop, datable to the late 16th century, probably had a mill for the exploitation of water power. The course of the medieval rives, which replaced the Roman canals, was scattered with these structures. In particular the Colliard, marks in the close vicinity of the area under examination, the site of the Moulin du Rossignol. A mill seems to have continued in use in the area almost until the present day. Earlier occupation of the area is attested by generic evidence of Roman date, to be linked with the presence of the late structure situated to the west and its probable predecessors. (Patrizia Framarin, Stefano Galloro)


    • A. Cagnana, 1994, Archeologia della produzione fra tardo-antico e altomedioevo: le tecniche murarie e l’organizzazione dei cantieri, in G.P. Brogiolo (a cura di), Edilizia residenziale tra V e VIII secolo, Mantova: 39-52.
    • C. Carducci, 1941, Aosta. Necropoli fuori della Porta Decumana, in Notizie degli scavi di Antichità, Roma: 1-17.
    • L. Colliard, 1979, La vieille Aoste, Tome I-II, Aoste.
    • P. Framarin, S. Galloro, 2006, Aosta, area dell’ex-cantiere di manutenzione della società Cogne. Risultati delle indagini di approfondimento nel settore settentrionale, in Bollettino della Soprintendenza per i Beni e le Attività Culturali 2-2005, Aosta: 157-165.
    • R. Mollo Mezzana, 1982a, Augusta Prætoria. Aggiornamento sulle conoscenze archeologiche della città e del suo territorio, in Atti del Congresso sul Bimillenario della città di Aosta (Aosta 1975), Bordighera: 205-315.
    • R. Mollo Mezzana, 1982b, Il complesso cimiteriale fuori Porta Decumana ad Aosta, in Atti del V Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia cristiana, Roma: 319-333.
    • R. Mollo Mezzana, 2000, L’organizzazione del suburbio di Augusta Prætoria (Aosta) e le trasformazioni successive, in M. Antico Gallina (a cura di), Dal Suburbium al Faubourg: evoluzione di una realtà urbana, Milano: 149-200.
    • R. Mollo Mezzana, 2004, Augusta Prætoria (Aosta) e l’utilizzazione delle risorse idriche - città e suburbio, in M. Antico Gallina (a cura di), Acque per l’utilitas, per la salubritas, per l’amœnitas, Milano: 59-138.