  • Fontana Ranuccio
  • Anagni
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Province of Frosinone
  • Anagni


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 500000 BC - 300000 BC


    • The excavations of the paleolithic layer in the locality of Fontana Ranuccio aimed to determine the extension of the fossiliferous level. It was very slightly sloped in a north/west-south/east direction which indicates the probable existence of a drainage system, set up in a similar way to the existing one. The highest concentration of finds was in the northern part of the area. These included bones, teeth, macro-remains of fossilised wood, deer antlers, implements attached to bone and fragments of worked flint. Of particular interest for their very good state of preservation and completeness are the _Elephas_ half mandible and adjacent deer antler, the _Elephas_ molar and several bone implements chipped on the distal part, the ribs of a pachyderm and the distal extremity of a bifacial implement of dark flint. (MiBAC)


    • A. Ascenzi, A.G. Segre 1996, Artifacts and human teeth at the Fontana Ranuccio Middle Pleistocene Site (Central Italy), Anthropologie, Brno, 34 (1-2): 1-9.
    • I. Biddittu, L. Bruni, 1987, Il rinvenimento di una amigdala in osso del paleolitico inferiore a Fontana Ranuccio (Anagni), Latium, 3-9.
    • I. Biddittu, P.F. Cassoli, F. Radicati Di Brozolo, A.G. Segre, E. Segre Naldini, Villa I. 1979, Anagni, a K-Ar dated Lower and Middle Pleistocene Site, Central Italy: Preliminary Report, Quaternaria, 21: 53-71.
    • I. Biddittu, A.G. Segre, 1982, Pleistocene medio-inferiore con industria arcaica su ciottolo nel bacino di Anagni (Lazio), Atti XXIII Riun. Sc. IIPP., Firenze 7-9 maggio 1980, Firenze, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria: 567-576.
    • I. Biddittu, A.G. Segre, 1984, Industria su scheggia e bifacciali: nuovi reperti del paleolitico inferiore ad Anagni-Fontana Ranuccio, Atti XXIV Riun. Sc. IIPP, Firenze: 105-112.
    • F. Parenti, A.G. Segre, 2009, Fontana Ranuccio (Anagni, Prov. Di Frosinone), Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, 59: 373-375.
    • A.G. Segre, 1984, Escursione ai giacimenti paleolitici del Lazio, Atti XXIV Riun. Sc. IIPP, 13-20.
    • A.G. Segre, 1993, Problemi sulla presenza di paleosuperfici nella serie pleistocenica di Anagni e di Venosa, Atti XXX riun. Sc. I.I.P.P., Firenze: 129-137.
    • A.G. Segre, A. Ascenzi, 1984, Fontana Ranuccio: Italy\'s Earliest Middle Pleistocene Hominid Site, Current Anthropology, 25: 230-233.
    • E. Segre Naldini, G. Muttoni, F. Parenti, G. Scardia, A.G. Segre, 2009, Nouvelles recherches dans le bassin Plio-Pléistocène d\'Anagni (Latium méridional, Italie), L\'Anthropologie, 113: 66-77.