  • Is Calitas
  • Soleminis
  • Italy
  • Sardinia
  • South Sardinia
  • Soleminis


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1800 BC - 1600 BC


    • Tomb I of Is Calitas is a pit tomb with unworked walls, excavated in part into the ground and in part into the bedrock (at a depth 74 cm), which was probably covered with slabs of stone. It was perhaps originally a natural deposit of clay, emptied and used by the Bonnanaro people as a sepulchre. The stratigraphic excavation has shown deposits with crania and skeletral parts, in some cases still articulated, accompanied by a rich homogenous furnishing composed of cups, bowls and tripods in impasto ware, a rectangular stone brasier with two holes, nine bronze awls, many elements of a shell necklace, teeth of animals, tusks of wild boars, and stone. The grave goods recovered, homogeneous in the layer and attributable to the Bonnaro facies, show clear derivation from the late aspects of the island variant of the Bell Beaker culture, tied to that of central Europe flowing through west-central Italy, into a context already permeated by influences from Southern France and Spain. The ornamental objects, in particular, show a decided derivation from Bell Beaker types. The bodies were placed one above the other with little dirt inbetween. These hardened over time and were upset and pressed by the lateral thrust and by the weight of the individuals successively buried over many years but always within the same culture. The radiocarbon results from the samples of bone have given a minimum number of 61 adult individuals (27 male, 20 female, 14 unknown), and 18 juveniles. In general the population was adequately robust, tall, and without recurring malaties. The dental wear suggests a diet based on tough foods or those from which grit from grinding had not been removed material, and therefore an economy based on agriculture.


    • M.R. Manunza, 1996, Is Calitas (Soleminis, Prov. Cagliari), in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, XLVII, 1995-1996: 462.
    • M.R. Manunza, 1996, Sepoltura collettiva a Is Calitas-Soleminis-CA), The workshops and the posters of the XIII international congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences, Forlì (Italia) 8-14 September 1996, Forlì: 311.
    • M.R. Manunza, 1998, Esiti evolutivi del Campaniforme nel Bronzo antico sardo: la facies di Bonnanaro in una tomba a fossa di Soleminis (Cagliari-Sardegna), International colloquium Riva del Garda 11-16 May 1998, Bell beakers today, Astracts: 124-125.
    • M.R. Manunza, 1998, Scavo della tomba I di Is Calitas (Soleminis, Ca) relazione preliminare, in Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano 15: 42-69.
    • M.R. Manunza, 1999, Il bronzo antico: forme vascolari della facies Bonnanaro, Atti del Congresso Nazionale " Criteri di nomenclatura e di terminologia inerente alla definizione delle forme vascolari del Neolitico/Eneolitico e del Bronzo/Ferro", Lido di Camaiore, 27-29 Marzo 1998, Firenze 1999: 513-515.
    • M.R. Manunza, R. Buffa, C.M. Calò, G. Floris, E. Marini, E. Usai, 2000, Nuovi dati sulla tomba I di Is Calitas (Soleminis -CA) in Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica per le Province di Cagliari e Oristano, 17: 3-15.
    • M.R. Manunza, 2001, Esiti evolutivi del Campaniforme nel Bronzo antico sardo, in AA.VV. Bell Beakers today, pottery, people, culture, symbols in prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Riva del Garda (Trento, Italy) 11-16 Maggio 1998, Trento: 681-684.
    • M.R. Manunza, 1998, Sepoltura collettiva a Is Calitas-Soleminis (Cagliari-Sardegna), Atti XIII Congresso UISPP, Forlì, 8-14 Settembre 1996, vol. 4, Forlì: 455-461.