  • Grotta Paglicci
  • Vallone Settepenne
  • .
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Provincia di Foggia
  • Rignano Garganico


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 250000 BC - 125000 BC
  • 35000 BC - 11000 BC


    • The excavations undertaken in 2006 concentrated on the external area, the so-called Riparo, and involved 3 zones. Area A may be considered a combustion zone, set within a depression. This was active in several phases (at least three) as attested by the alternation of layers of charcoal and ash; regarding its chronology it is only possible to indicate an age of >130 thousand years ago. Area B was characterised by the absence of stone working and the presence of bones belonging to ungulates, especially Bos primigenius, Dama dama, Cervus Elaphus and a jaw bone of Sus scrofa, which, together with the fallow deer confirms the temperate nature of the climate in this area. In area C several combustion zones were uncovered, similar to that found in area A.
    • The grotta Pagliacci is internationally famed for the stratigraphy of the atrium which covers the entire Upper Paleolithic (from circa 35,000 to 11,000 years ago), for the presence of the only Paleolithic rock art known to date in Italy and for the external stratigraphy attesting occupation in the Lower to Middle Paleolithic between circa 250,000 to 125,000 years ago. Due to the instability of the cliff side, which requires further consolidation not only to safeguard the researchers but also the deposit itself, excavations were limited to checking, survey, cleaning of the archaeological area and surrounding zones. Methods for resolving the problems on the site are at present being studied and it is hoped to resolve the situation in the spring of 2010. A detailed photographic survey was made of the entire cave by the Unicity company of Roma. This was undertaken as part of a project for the creation of a “virtual” visit to the cave, as the latter is not open for reasons both of public safety and for the safety of the wall paintings themselves. On the basis of experiences in France and Spain it has also been seen that in order to safeguard and preserve the wall paintings, it is inadvisable to open the site to large numbers of people. Technicians from the Opificio delle Pietre Dure di Firenze continued their research regarding appropriate monitoring equipment for the analysis of the micro-climate in the hall of the paintings. Due to the inherent difficulties caused by the particular humidity in the cave and the lack of electricity on the site, all the equipment tried to date has proved to be not completely reliable. Finally, the CNR/INOA from Lecce and Pisa continued with the analysis of the paint colours which will be monitored over time in order to keep a check any occurring alterations. A further check is foreseen for Spring 2010. At the same time the same technicians made a survey of the two walls with the prehistoric paintings in order to create a 3D model which will be used not only to “freeze” the situation at that moment, but also, and above all, to undertake a highly detailed analysis of the traces of colour present, with the aim of attempting to detect other paintings that may have faded over time.
    • In 2010 the work at Grotta Pagliacci was limited to the survey, cleaning and sampling of the stratigraphic sequence and of the trench inside the grotto. Furthermore, it was necessary to temporarily remove the equipment for monitoring the micro-climate in the chamber with the paintings, as it was damaged by the humidity: unfortunately the lack of electricity on site is causing substantial problems in this regard. Research should continue outside, on the site of the Lower/Middle Paleolithic deposit known, to date, only from the rectification undertaken by Prof. Palma di Cesnola in the 1970s following an illegal excavation. Unfortunately, the stability of the back and side walls, which loom over the area of the deposit which is still preserved, requires checking. This appraisal, with consequent expense, is also necessary because at the top of the back wall there is a boulder, still in position, on which there are incisions dating to the evolved Epigravettian period. The project for securing the site is at present in the study phase: it is hoped to intervene before the middle of 2011 so that excavations can recommence in the autumn. In the meantime Unicity Spa was commissioned by the Gargano National Park to make a documentary “Indagine su Grotta Paglicci”. This was filmed at Siena (in the university and l’Accademia dei Fisiocritici) and concentrated on the diverse methodological approaches and the recent results obtained from the study of the cave. This has become a multi-disciplinary and international research project involving Bradford and Cambridge universities and the Max Planck Institute. Research continued in the laboratory, making use of innovative methodological approaches. Prof. Palma di Cesnola is completing the study of the early (layers 17-13) and evolved (layers 12-8) Epigravettian periods, study of the bone-working industry is in its final phase, archaeo-zoological and taphonomical analyses are being undertaken on the Middle Glacial and Late Glacial levels in the grotto. The analyses on a pestle found in the early Gravettian levels (23a) revealed the presence of starches from various species, whose identification is in progress. This represents an important link (as it is the earliest known to date) in the reconstruction of the chain of exploitation/transformation of plant products for food use by the Paleolithic populations.


    • D. Arobba, P. Boscato, G. Boschian, C. Falgueres, L. Fasani, C. Peretto, B. Sala, U. Thun Hohenstein, C. Tozzi, 2004, Paleoenvironmental Analysis, Collegium Antropologicum, 28-1: 5-21.
    • S. Arrighi, V. Borgia, F. D’errico, A. Ronchitelli, 2008, I ciottoli decorati di Paglicci: raffigurazioni e utilizzo, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 58: 39-58.
    • S. Arrighi, V. Borgia, 2007, Analisi funzionale degli strumenti litici di corredo alle sepolture II e III di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-Foggia), Annali dell’Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, volume speciale “Atti I Convegno Nazionale degli Studenti di Antropologia, Preistoria e Protostoria, Ferrara 8-10 Maggio 2004” (a cura di U. Thun Hohenstein): 105-108.
    • S. Arrighi, 2004, Functional analysis of lithic artifacts of Paglicci Cave (Italy): experiments for the recognition of technological traces, Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz 2004, Oldenburg, Heft 3: 51-56.
    • S. Arrighi, 2005, L’Epigravettiano finale dello strato 5 di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-Foggia): l’analisi delle tracce d’uso dei grattatoi e dei raschiatoi, in Rassegna di Archeologia, 20A: 43-68.
    • S. Arrighi, V. Borgia, 2008, Gravettian burial rites: functional analysis of the lithic grave goods, in E. Anati (ed.)“Prehistoric Art and Ideology”, Proceedings XV Congress U.I.S.P.P., Lisbon 2006, BAR International Series 1872: 13-20.
    • S. Arrighi, V. Borgia, 2009, Surface Modifications of Flint Tools and Their Functional Meaning, Materials and Manifacturing Processes 24: 922-927.
    • A. Beja-Pereira, D. Caramelli, C. Lalueza-Fox, C. Vernesi, N. Ferrand, A. Casoli, F. Goyache, L.J. Rojo, S. Conti, M. Lari, A. Martini, L. Ouragh, A. Magid, A. Atash, A. Zsolnai, P. Boscato, C. Triantaphylidis, K. Ploumi, L. Sineo, F. Mallegni, P. Taberlet, G. Erhardt, L. Sampietro, J. Bertranpetit, G. Barbujani, G. Luikart and G. Bertorelle, 2006, The origin of European cattle: Evidence from modern and ancient DNA, PNAS, 103, 21: 8113-8118.
    • V. Borgia, P. Boscato, P. Gambassini, A. Ronchitelli, 2008, Environnement et production lithique au Gravettien de l’Italie du Sud: quelles influences?, Colloque sur “Le Gravettien et ses descendances, 30-31 janvier 2008 Perpignan“: 8-15.
    • V. Borgia, F. Ranaldo, 2009, Functional analysis of the aurignacian backed bladelets from Grotta Paglicci, Atti International Congress “ Integrated Methodological Approaches to the Study of Lithic Technology, Firenze 13-15 dicembre 2007, Human Evolution, 24-2: 121-130.
    • V. Borgia, F. Ranaldo, 2009, Functional analysis of the aurignacian backed bladelets from Grotta Paglicci, Atti International Congress “ Integrated Methodological Approaches to the Study of Lithic Technology, Firenze 13-15 dicembre 2007, Human Evolution, 24-2: 121-130.
    • V. Borgia, 2004, Functional analysis of the backed tools coming from gravettian layers 23 and 22 of Paglicci cave (Italy): the experimental programme, Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz 2004, Heft 3: 43-51.
    • V. Borgia, 2006, L’analisi funzionale degli elementi a dorso come strumento conoscitivo per ricostruire le strategie di sfruttamento delle risorse territoriali nel Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (strati 23 e 22), in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche LVI: 53-81.
    • V. Borgia, 2008, Functional analysis of the backed tools coming from gravettian layers 23 and 22 of Paglicci cave (Italy), Atti del convegno “Prehistoric Technology 40 years later: functional studies and the Russian legacy”, Verona 2005, BAR International Series 1783: 109-120.
    • V. Borgia, 2008, Le Gravettien ancien dans le Sud de l’Italie : analyse fonctionnelle de pointes à dos de Grotta Paglicci (Foggia) et de Grotta della Cala (Salerno), in “Recherches sur les armatures de projectiles du Paléolithique supérieur au Néolithique” – Actes du colloque C83, XVe Congrès de l’UISPP, Lisbonne, 4-9 septembre 2006), P@lethnologie, 1, www.palethnologie.org, 47-68.
    • P. Boscato, J. Crezzini, A. Ronchitelli, 2004, La grotta, ricovero di uomini e animali: il caso Paglicci (Rignano Garganico – FG), in A. Wagensommer (a cura di), Spelaion 2003 – Atti del Raduno Nazionale di Speleologia (San Giovanni Rotondo 5-8 dic. 2003), Monte Sant’Angelo: 171-180.
    • P. Boscato, J. Crezzini, 2005, L’Uomo e la Iena macchiata. Tafonomia su resti di ungulati del Gravettiana antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico – FG), Atti del 4° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia (Pordenone, 13-15 novembre 2003): 67-74.
    • P. Boscato, J. Crezzini, 2007, The exploitation of ungulate bones in Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens, Human Evolution, 21/3-4: 311-320.
    • P. Boscato, A. Palma Di Cesnola, 2005, L’industria litica e la fauna del livello 1A dell’area esterna di Paglicci (Promontorio del Gargano), Atti 25° Convegno sulla Preistoria – Protostoria e Storia della Daunia (S. Severo 3-5 dicembre 2004): 3-15.
    • P. Boscato, A. Ronchitelli, 2006, La serie esterna di Paglicci. Gli scavi del 2004-2005, in A. Gravina (a cura di): Atti 26° Convegno sulla Preistoria – Protostoria e Storia della Daunia (San Severo, 10-11 dicembre 2005): 3-16.
    • P. Boscato, 2004, I macromammiferi dell’Aurignaziano e del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci, in A. Palma di Cesnola (a cura di): Paglicci – L’Aurignaziano e il Gravettiano antico, Claudio Grenzi Ed., Foggia: 49-62.
    • P. Boscato, 2007, Faunes gravettiennes à grands mammifères de l’Italie du Sud: Grotta della Cala (Salerno) et Grotta Paglicci (Foggia), Paleo, 19: 109-114.
    • D. Caramelli, C. Lalueza-Fox, C. Vernesi, M. Lari, A. Casoli, F. Mallegni, B. Chiarelli, I. Dupanloup, J. Bertranpetit, G. Barbujani, G. Bertorelle, 2003, Evidence for a genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and 24,000-year-old anatomically modern Europeans, PNAS, 100, 11, Salt Lake City: 6593-6597.
    • D. Caramelli, L. Milani, S. Vai, A. Modi, E. Pecchioli, M. Girardi, E. Pilli, M. Lari, B. Lippi, A. Ronchitelli, F. Mallegni, A. Casoli, G. Bertorelle, G. Barbujani, 2008, A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequenze Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences, PLoS ONE, 3-7, e2700: 1-5.
    • E. Carnieri, F. Bartoli, F. Mallegni, 2006, Dieta in un campione umano del Paleolitico superiore: due metodi a confronto, Atti XVI Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani (Genova, 29-31-ottobre 2005), Edicolors Publishing, Milano: 321-330.
    • M. Cremaschi, F. Ferraro, 2007, The Upper Pleistocene in the Paglicci Cave (Gargano, Southern Italy): loess and tephra in the anthropogenic sequenze, Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie, serie A, CXII: 153-164.
    • J. Crezzini, 2007, Studio sulla distribuzione delle tracce antropiche sui resti di ungulati del Gravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico-Foggia): il trattamento delle frazioni distali degli arti di Bos primigenius, Annali dell’Università di Ferrara (Nuova Serie), Museologia scientifica e naturalistica, volume speciale “Atti I Convegno Nazionale degli Studenti di Antropologia, Preistoria e Protostoria, Ferrara 8-10 Maggio 2004” (a cura di U. Thun Hohenstein): 75-78.
    • M. Freguglia, A. Palma Di Cesnola, 2002, Il Premusteriano della Grotta Paglicci nel Gargano. Nota preliminare, Atti 23° Convegno sulla Preistoria – Protostoria e Storia della Daunia (San Severo, 23-24 novembre 2002): 3-10.
    • M. Freguglia, A. Palma Di Cesnola, 2006, L’origine del Musteriano nel Gargano. II: il Premusteriano dello strato 1E-B dell’area esterna del giacimento di Paglicci e considerazioni conclusive, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 56: 5-38.
    • M. Freguglia, 2005, Applicazione di un modello autoregressivo al processo evolutivo del passaggio dal Pre-musteriano al Musteriano nel Gargano, Askategi - Miscellanea in onore di Georges Laplace, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, Supplemento 1: 53-66.
    • A. Galiberti, A. Palma Di Cesnola, M. Freguglia, L. Perrini, L. Giannoni, 2008, Le industrie litiche dello strato 2 del riparo esterno di Paglicci nel saggio del 1971: lo studio tipologico, Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, 97: 1-56.
    • P. Gambassini, A. Ronchitelli, 2006, Uluzzian and Aurignatian Cultures in Southern Italy at the beginning of Upper Palaeolithic: some reflections, in “The Early Upper Paleolithic of Eurasia: General Trends, Local Developments” (the materials of International conference devoted to the 125-th anniversary of the paleolithic investigations in Kostenki, 2004, August 23-26), S.-Pb: Nestor-History: 279-293.
    • B. Giaccio, R. Isaia, F.G. Fedele, E. Di Canzio, J. Hoffecker, A. Ronchitelli, A. Sinitsyn, M. Anikovich, S.N. Lisitsyn, V.V. Popov, 2008, The Campanian Ignimbrite and Codola tephra layers: two temporal/stratigraphic markers for the Early Upper Palaeolithic in southern Italy and eastern Europe, Journal of Vulcanology and Geothermal Research, 177: 208-226.
    • S. Lami, A. Palma Di Cesnola, 2005, Le industrie degli strati 10-12 della Grotta Paglicci (Promontorio del Gargano). Primo approccio allo studio, Askategi - Miscellanea in onore di Georges Laplace, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, Supplemento 1: 177-199.
    • S. Lami, 2005, Gli strumenti a cran dell’Epigravettiano antico di Grotta Paglicci, Atti 25° Convegno sulla Preistoria – Protostoria e Storia della Daunia (S. Severo 3-5 dicembre 2004): 17-30.
    • F. Mezzena, A. Palma Di Cesnola, 2004, L’arte mobiliare di Grotta Paglicci: nuove acquisizioni, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 54: 291-320.
    • Palma Di Cesnola A., Freguglia M., 2005 - L’origine del Musteriano nel Gargano. I: Il premusteriano degli strati 26-28 della grotta Paglicci, Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, LV, 139-168.
    • A. Palma Di Cesnola, A. Ronchitelli, 2003, Grotta Paglicci (FG): il Paleolitico superiore, in “Adriatica. I luoghi dell’archeologia dalla preistoria al medioevo” Mostra documentaria (a cura di F. Guidi), Ravenna, 10.
    • A. Palma Di Cesnola (a cura di), 2004, Paglicci. L’Aurignaziano e il Gravettiano antico, Foggia.
    • A. Ronchitelli, P. Boscato, P. Gambassini, 2009, Gli ultimi Neandertaliani in Italia: aspetti culturali, in “La lunga storia di Neandertal. Biologia e comportamento (a cura di F. Facchini e G. Belcastro), Jaka Book, Bologna: 257-288.
    • A. Tagliacozzo, M. Gala, 2005, Lo sfruttamento dell’avifauna nei livelli 24-22 (Aurignaziano e Gravettiano antico) di Grotta Paglicci (Rignano Garganico, Foggia), Atti del 3° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia – Siracusa 3-5 novembre 2000 (a cura di I. Fiore, G. Malerba, S. Chilardi), “Studi di Paletnologia”, II, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Roma: 251-268.
    • L. Salari, E. Di Canzio, 2009, I chirotteri del Pleistocene superiore e Olocene antico di alcune grotte dell’Italia centro-meridionale, Bullettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 33: 3-25.
    • W. E. Banks, J. Zilhão, F. D\'errico, M. Kageyama, A. Sima, A. Ronchitelli, 2009, Investigating links between ecology and bifacial tool types in Western Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum, \"Journal of Archaeological Science\", Vol. 36/12, Oxford: 2853-2867.