  • Via B. Franklin
  • Roma, Rione Testaccio
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • 100 AD - 1300 AD


    • In an area destined for the construction of a covered market, preliminary archaeological research has brought to light important evidence for the Roman and later periods.. The current surface is a sports ground; below which are the foundations of “villinetti” built in the 1920s by the IACP (Istituto Case Popolari). Below these (–2.50 and - 3.00 m) are found traces of the vineyards planted between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, intersected by the so-called “Vicolo della Serpe” of which some of the surface has been found. The lowest levels contain medieval remains built into the ruins of the Roman horrea.. At –3.50 m down, a series of rectangular rooms was found that can probably be identified as part of the horrea Seiana. This identification is supported by Lanciani’s Forma Urbis Romae (tables 40-44) and by finds reported for the neighbouring streets, via G. Branca, via G. B. Bodoni and via B. Franklin. The rooms are all the same size (9.35 m by 5.40 m) and are built in a standard pattern used for erecting either one-storey or two-storey buildings. However, the excavation has not revealed the original flooring as work is still in progress. The opus mixtum and the materials found inside the rooms suggest that the building dates to the II century AD, and is of Trajanic or Hadrianic date. One of the most noteworthy findings is a deposit of 40 bronze and silver coins dating from Vespasian to the Severan period. The pottery uncovered reveals complex settlement phases: it ranges from early Medieval Forum Ware and Sparse Glazed pottery to residual materials, such as Black Glazed pottery and Sigillata Italica. These residual materials imply that the site was used from the end of the Republican/beginning of the Imperial era. (Valeria Silvia Mellace, Silvia Festuccia)
    • Between 2005 and 2009, in the Rione Testaccio, the ancient harbour and wharehouse district of the Urbs, was realised an archaeological intervention linked to the building of a new indoor market, under the surveillance of the Soprintrendenza. The excavation of the Testaccio New Market, a four-sided area extended for one hectare, started from the street level (15 m ASL), and reached a depth of about 9 m, providing an uninterrupted stratigraphy from the Early Roman Imperial age until the Contemporary age (fig. 1). The Early Imperial period (Augustan age-Flavian period) in the North-East and then in the West part of the excavation brought to light a system of roofed rooms and open courts served by a network of service roads, which are peculiar for the building material used. All the “walls” of the structure are in fact made up of amphorae emptied and reused piling them on top of each other. At the present time, this system of rooms has been identified, in the North-East section, with a wide area of dumps for reused building material, mostly made up of amphorae and brick material; while in the West sector are rooms, probably warehouses, with well recognizable beaten earth floors (fig. 2). The following Middle Imperial period (age of Trajan/ Hadrian) in the West sector is characterized by the excavation of the building levels of a trapezoidal edifice, identified as a horreum, made up of rows of rectangular rooms facing a wide central porticoed square, partially covered by the moderns streets via B. Franklin (West) and via A. Manunzio (North). Only the building levels of this warehouse are preserved. The horreum was, in fact, completely plundered in the antiquity (end of the III century AD-beginning of the IV century AD) up to the thresholds of the ground floor and a wall collapsed in situ testified the abandonment. In the East portion of the excavation, were found the remains of the foundations of what was identified as a building with pillars and aisles, probably coeval with the horreum, and completely plundered as well in the antiquity. On the long eastern side of the huge horreum there is a walled up passage (corridor), whose function is still uncertain- The southern portion of the corridor wall, whose remains are there preserved, provides an example of the original walls of the Middle Imperial period building. It allows to date, together with some amphora burials found on it and in the corridor, the phases of the abandonment of the area between the end of the III and the V century AD. With regard to the Middle Ages, the faint traces preserved suggest a sporadic use of the area examined, rather than a complete occupation of it. From the Renaissance, instead, the archaeological records clearly testify the agricultural use of the area and the rural landscape, which remained unchanged until the end of the XIX century, when Testaccio became a neighbourhood, even if peripheral, of the capital city, Rome .The Renaissance phase of the excavation shows records of agricultural activities, namely parallel furrows, of the vicolo della Serpe, running North-South as shown in historical maps, and of the remains of a Renaissance farmhouse. The archaeobotanical analyses on soil samples show the presence of vines and orchards, with vegetables gardens, and of little wheat, a selection rather common in the so-called “Mediterranean diversified agriculture”. The contemporary phase of the excavation revealed the foundations of some public housing buildings known as “villinetti”, build from the Istituto Autonomo Case Popolari (today ATER) in the 1920s', and demolished at the end of the 1960s'. After the Urban requalification intervention, in the area are hosting the indoor market, an archaeological site and, a children archaeological museum that are a part of the museo diffuso del Rione Testaccio, including also the Porticus Aemilia and the Emporium.


    • Alessia Contino, Claudio Capelli , David Djaoui , Giorgio Rizzo. 2017. Anfore neo-puniche del I secolo d.C. di Arles, Ostia e Roma: classificazione tipo-petrografica, origine e diffusione . FOLD&R Italy: 391.


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    • E. Rodriguez-Almeida, 1984, Il Monte Testaccio. Ambiente, storia, materiali, Roma.
    • A. Ancona, A. Contino, L. D’Alessandro, F. Riccio, R. Sebastiani, 2012, Il Museo Diffuso Rione Testaccio, in A. Ancona, A. Contino, R. Sebastiani (a cura di), Archeologia e Città, Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Roma, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, 11-12 febbraio 2010), Roma: 119-136.
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    • V.S. Mellace, G. Verde, 2006, Rapporto preliminare sulle indagini archeologiche condotte nel Nuovo Mercato Testaccio, in Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 32: 43-50.
    • R. Sebastiani, M. Serlorenzi (a cura di), 2007, “Indagini archeologiche al Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio a Roma”, in AIACNews 2: 3-7.
    • R. Sebastiani, M. Serlorenzi (a cura di), 2008, “Il progetto del Nuovo Mercato Testaccio”, in Workshop di Archeologia Classica 5: 137-171.
    • R. Sebastiani, M. Serlorenzi, 2011, Nuove scoperte dall’area di Testaccio (Roma). Tecniche costruttive, riuso e smaltimento dei contenitori anforici pertinenti ad horrea e strutture utilitarie di età imperiale, in J. Arce et B. Goffaux (a cura di), Horrea d’Hispanie et de la Méditerranée romaine, (Collection de la Casa de Velázquez, 125), Madrid: 67-96.
    • M. Serlorenzi, 2010, La costruzione di un complesso horreario a Testaccio. Primi indizi per delineare l’organizzazione del cantiere edilizio, in S. Camporeale, H. Dessales, A. Pizzo (a cura di), Arqueologia de la construccion II, Madrid-Mérida: 105-126.
    • M.L. Cafini, L. D’Alessandro, 2010, Anfore adriatiche a Roma. Rinvenimenti dall’area del Nuovo Mercato Testaccio, in Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta 41, Bonn: 93–100.
    • A. Casaramona, S. Colantonio, B. Rossi, C. Tempesta, G. Zanchetta, 2010, Anfore cretesi dallo scavo del Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio, in Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta 41, Bonn: 113–122.
    • F. Coletti, E.G. Lorenzetti, 2010, Anfore orientali a Roma. Nuovi dati dagli scavi della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma nell’area del Testaccio, in Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta 41, Bonn: 155–164.
    • A. Contino, C. Capelli, 2016, Nuovi dati archeologici e archeometrici sulle anfore africane tardorepubblicane e primo imperiali: rinvenimenti da Roma (Nuovo Mercato Testaccio) e contesti di confronto, in R. Jàrrega, P. Berni (a cura), Amphorae ex Hispania: paisajes de producción y consumo (III Congreso Internacional de la Secah, Ex-Officina Hispana, Tarragona 10-13 dicembre 2014), Tarragona: 538-556.
    • Contino, A., D’Alessandro, L., Luccerini, F., Mastrodonato, V., Tanganelli, R., 2013, Anfore Dressel 2-4 “Tarraconensi” a Roma: ricerche epigrafiche dal sito del Nuovo Mercato Testaccio. Dati preliminari, in D. Bernal, L.C. Juan, M. Bustamante, J.J. Díaz, A.M. Sáez (a cura di),Hornos, talleres y focos de producciòn alfareraen Hispania, vol. II, Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania I - ex officina hispana, Congres de Càdiz (3-4 de marzo 2011), Cadiz: 333-350.
    • L. D’Alessandro, 2013, Anfore adriatiche a Roma: dati epigrafici dal Nuovo Mercato Testaccio, in D. Bernal, L. C. Juan, M. Bustamante, J. J. Díaz, A. M. Sáez (a cura di),Hornos, talleres y focos de producciòn alfareraen Hispania, vol. II, Sociedad de Estudios de la Cerámica Antigua en Hispania I - ex officina hispana, Congres de Càdiz (3-4 de marzo 2011), Cadiz: 351-364.
    • B. Porcari, A. Contino, F. Luccerini, V. Mastrodonato, S. Sclocchi, 2010, Scarti di produzione di ceramica invetriata dallo scavo del Nuovo Mercato Testaccio a Roma, in Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores Acta 41, Bonn: 303–312.
    • http://romearcheomedia.fub.it/testaccio/italiano/index.html; http://www.sperimentarea.tv/ondemand/metropolis-prima-i-magazzini-del-porto-fluviale-di-roma-antica. http://www.isromantique.it/schede/museo-diffuso-rione-testaccio_3127/; www.facebook.com/sottosopratestaccio/