  • Bosco Nogali, Piancada
  • Piancada
  • Italy
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Udine
  • Palazzolo dello Stella


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 5500


    • The site is situated in an area beside the river Stella, close to the present coast line. Investigations to date have revealed a series of archaeological structures, groups of pits, lithic workshops, a kiln, a stretch of drainage ditch, a wide channel and a burial, which attest what appears to be a prolonged period of occupation. The wide channel is of particular interest, it has a U-shaped section on the bottom of which was a large quantity of domestic animal bones. Also worthy of note is the burial of a young girl, about five years old, who had been buried together with a dump of hundreds of marine mollusc shells (Cerastoderma) and several fragments of pottery, perhaps part of the original tomb group. On the basis of the material recovered so far it seems possible to date the majority of the evidence to the Early Neolithic period, although the scarcity of pottery finds does not consent their assignment to a particular culture within that period In the northern most area of the site, at Latteria, a few fragments of Vaso a Bocca Quadrata were also found. The overall dimensions of the area occupied during the Neolithic period are considerable. In fact, surface survey has established that Neolithic material is also present to the west of the present course of the river Stella, in the territory of Precenicco, over an area of tens of hectares. (Andrea Pessina)


    • A. Ferrari-A. Pessina 1992, Considerazioni sul primo popolamento neolitico dell’area friulana, Atti della Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, VI: 23-60.
    • A. Ferrari-A. Pessina 1996, L’insediamento di Piancada, in A. Ferrari-A. Pessina (a cura di), Sammardenchia e i primi agricoltori, Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Brasiliano: 81-92.
    • A. Pessina, A. Ferrari, A. Fontana 1999, Le prime popolazioni agricole del Friuli, in G. Muscio-A. Pessina (a cura di), Settemila anni fa il primo pane, catalogo della mostra (Udine, 1998-1999): 133-145.