  • Alba Iulia - Sanctuarul lui Liber Pater
  • Alba Iulia
  • Apulum
  • Romania
  • Alba County
  • Municipiul Alba Iulia


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    • The 2006 research season in the area of the Liber Pater sanctuary from Apulum was dedicated to the study of the target zone using non-intrusive methods. The aerial photography was therefore combined with topographic survey, field walking and surface collection and mapping of the archaeological material and in the end, a surface of 30 x 130 metres was subjected to magnetometric scanning. The results were very satisfying, areas with concentration of ceramic wasters and pottery kiln debris being identified, as well as a significant number of buildings along a street and a minimum of 13 kilns disposed in three circles. Everything was recorded in a system of local coordinates calibrated onto the Stereo 70 Romanian National Grid and integrated into the GIS created for the Apulum Project data. The objective for the future seasons is the systematic excavation of a part of the surveyed area, in order to answer the questions related to the archaeological material in its context, the phasing and dating of the site.


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