  • Broili
  • Illegio
  • Broili
  • Italy
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Udine
  • Tolmezzo


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1000 AD - 1100 AD


    • Excavations begun in 2004 and continued in 2005, revealed the remains of an immense square tower, with an internal usable floor space of circa 50m 2 . Unmentioned in historical sources and completely ignored by archaeological literature, its outer structures have been completely uncovered and stand to a height of over three metres. An enormous collapse, containing no finds, sealed a stratigraphic deposit of great interest. The latest occupation level, characterised by a burnt layer rich in squared timbers (a roof) has been dated using C14 to the 11th century. Within this occupation level, which overlay an earlier abandonment of the tower and levels collapsed plastered walls, a metal working area had been set up for the reduction of ferrous minerals. (Aurora Cagnana)
    • Tower 2 already identified in the preceding campaign, had no true foundations but was cut into natural. An interesting discovery on its exterior was a substantial charcoal rich layer containing finds which was probably created by periodic cleaning activities. Nearby were post holes that may be partly interpreted as part of a roof and partly as the remains of wooden buildings. The partially preserved remains of a rectangular building, with stone and earth walls, were also uncovered. Lower down, a wall emerged that was constructed directly on top of the natural conglomerate which had been cut into. The width and high quality of the construction materials and bonding agent suggest that it was a defensive structure.
    • The excavation in the locality of Broilo di Illegio (Tolmezzo – UD) began in 2004 and has uncovered a fortified hill site dating to the second half of the 10th century, with evidence for earlier occupation on the site. In a first period (mid 9th century ?) the area was occupied by a series of timber structures, of which only the post holes remain (huts and storage structures). These structures were dismantled and to the west a masonry tower was built (internal surface area circa 50 m2). On the ground floor was a store for legumes and cereals which was burnt out. On the eastern side stood another quadrangular masonry built structure (circa 10 m2) which had been protected by a massive dump of earth so as to form a sort of mote.


    • A. Cagnana, 2005, Indagini archeologiche sulle fortificazioni del territorio di Illegio, in M.L. Galoppi (a cura di), Fortificazioni e castelli in Carnia, Atti del Convegno di Tolmezzo, 3 giugno 2005, c.s.
    • A. Cagnana, G. Gonella, P. Ghidotti, P. Greppi, 2006, Tolmezzo (UD). Le fortificazioni in località Broili di Illegio, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, 1/2006: 213-215.
    • A. Cagnana, 2007, Indagini archeologiche sulle fortificazioni del territorio di Illegio, in A. Valoppi (a cura di), Castelli e fortificazioni in Carnia, Udine.
    • A. Cagnana, C. Capelli, S. Gavagnin, G. Gonella, S. Roascio, 2008, Late Antique and Early Medieval pottery assemblages from archaeological sites of the Alpine zone of Western Friuli (Carnia District-Udine-Italy) in S. Menchelli, M. Pasquinucci, S. Santoro (a cura di), LRCW 3 III congresso internazionale sulle ceramiche comuni. Le ceramiche da cucina e le anfore della tarda antichita’ nel mediterraneo: Archeologia e archeometria Mediterraneo occidentale ed orientale a confronto, Parma/Pisa, 26-30 marzo 2008, c.s.
    • A. Cagnana, A. Cavallo, G. Gonella, P. Ghidotti, P. Greppi, 2007, Tolmezzo (UD). Le fortificazioni in località ‘Broili’ di Illegio, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia 2: 190-93.