  • San Paolo Vecchia
  • Illegio
  • Italy
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Udine
  • Tolmezzo


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 300 AD - 1800 AD


    • Previous investigations had brought to light a small rectangular church to which was connected a modest square liturgical structure, interpreted as a baptismal font. This is the earliest phase of the site and has been dated by C14 to between the end of the 4th-beginning of the 5th century A.D. During the summer excavation campaign, the only surviving course, conserved to foundation height, of the Early Christian structure was revealed inside the southern perimeter wall. The same situation was found in the stratigraphy inside the northern perimeter. In the autumn 2004 campaign a cobble floor was identified outside the southern side wall of the church; three post-holes in phase with the floor probably formed part of the base of a wooden portico which can be ascribed to the Early Christian phase. The removal of this layer revealed an earlier cobble floor. This also appears on the inner side of the Early Christian wall and must therefore belong to a limited phase earlier in date than the 4th century A.D. The removal of the cobbles from inside the early wall revealed archaeological traces which are difficult to interpret, including a very deep, finely shaped hole (c.50cm in diameter) and a small channel with raised edges constituted by mortar and opus signinum. This phase still awaits a definitive interpretation as the archeometric dating of the organic sediment from inside the whole has yet to be completed. However, it seems possible to connect the evidence to an earlier baptismal structure dating to the mid 4th century. (Aurora Cagnana, Stefano Roascio)


    • S. Roascio, 2005, La chiesa di San Paolo Vechhia, in Archeologia Medievale, schede.