  • Val di Comino
  • S. Andrea
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Province of Frosinone
  • Alvito


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 2500 BC - 2400 BC
  • 2000 BC - 1900 BC


    • In the Val di Comino the Proto-historian team of the Università di Perugia has conducted various investigations. The findings attributable to the ancient Bronze age reveal an occupation of the territory which included agricultural-pastoral activities, as well as hunting and fishing. The site excavated in the area of S. Andrea reveals a full occupation between the first horizon of the early Bronze and middle Bronze ages. It was probably not a fixed settlement, tied as it was to the seasonal agricultural-pastoral activities. The area also shows evidence of cults and agrarian rituals connected to fertility, indicated by findings of carbonized cereals at the base of the archaeological stratum and by a conical terracotta fragment, belonging to a horn, attributed by scholars to an ithyphallic or bovine cult.


    • G.L. Carancini, R.P.Guerzoni, N.Bruni, M. Cerqua, T. Mattioli, A. Riva, 2003, Insediamento e territorio in epoca pre-protostorica in Val di Comino (FR), in in J. Rasmus Brandt, X. Dupré Raventós, G. Ghini (a cura di), Lazio & Sabina, 1, Atti del Convegno (28-30 gennaio 2002, Roma), Roma: 79-84