  • Tempio forense di Segusium
  • Susa
  • Italy
  • Piedmont
  • Turin
  • Mompantero


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 55 BC - 250 AD


    • The archaeological investigation in Piazza Savoia was undertaken during work to restructure the area on the occasion of the winter Olympics. At the north end of the area, the suggested site of the forum of _Seguaio_, the foundation of a temple podium with pronaos _in antis_ and cella came to light. It was 23.5 m long and 10.8 m wide, surrounded on the north and west sides by a double foundation, with a longitudinal channel lined with _opus signinum_ for collecting water. Identified to the east in a _sondage_ dug in 1985, it was probably the front of a cryptoporticus at the base of the _porticus triplex_ that must have surrounded the cult building. The extension of the excavation to the south led to the identification of the temenos (44 x 50 m), situated in the traditional position at the north end of the forum on higher ground formed by a gravel dump. The terracing wall of the temenos, opening towards the civic part of the forum with a central base, had four steps (preserved) and two sharp bends in its line. The ancient floor levels were not identified but the construction site levels were uncovered and it was possible to define the levels on which the walls stood and their foundation trenches. A later dump of material to raise the area around the temple was also documented. To the south, modern interventions and the presence of a medieval quarter with large cellared buildings, flanked by a cobbled road, had compromised the preservation of the Roman structures and deposits. The alignment of the sacred area (12° north-east) was the same as the north-south basalt road uncovered near Palazzina Ramella (1904-1905), already considered to be the primary generator of the orientation of the town. It is not yet possible to define the main roads leading into the forum, but it seems there was a decumanus crossing the space, dividing the forum’s diverse components, sanctuary and meeting place/market, as was usual in many cases of so-called “bipartite” and “tripartite” forums. Although limited, the datable finds, mainly from the foundation fills and inside the temple, suggest a single and coherent date in the mid Augustan period for the entire complex. In any case, 13 B.C. constitutes the _terminus post quem_, being the most likely year for the agreement between Augustus and the Gaul Cottius that determined the latter’s recognition as _praefectus_ of the _Alpes Cottiae_ and the constitution of Susa as its capital.


    • Steven Ellis - Eric Poehler - Leigh Lieberman - Sarah Wenner - Alex Marko - Christopher Motz - Angela Trentacoste and Jane Millar Tully . 2021. New Excavations at the Punic-Roman city of Tharros, Sardinia. FOLD&R Italy: 516.


    • F. Barello, 2007, Susa, Piazza Savoia. Tempio forense e resti delle strutture circostanti, in “Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte”, 22: 276-278.