  • Aquileia ex fondo Sandrigo
  • Aquileia
  • Aquileia
  • Italy
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Udine
  • Aquileia


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1 AD - 599 AD


    • Research was undertaken between 2010 and 2012. During the first campaign, six trenches were opened; in 2011 and 2012 research continued in the western sector, along the bank of the ancient river, revealing craft working structures and retaining walls for the river banks. The excavations also uncovered traces of drainage and land reclamation, constituted by sand and dumps of waste materials, mainly amphorae for transporting alum of the “Lipari” type (Richborough 527)/Impasto Grezzo (AIG) from Milos and Lipari datable to the 1st century A.D. Therefore, the land reclamation can be dated to the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd century A.D. It was carried out to facilitate the creation of structures, probably timber platforms resting on sand and clay parapets that may have been used for the storage of materials. A stretch of wall was uncovered defining the eastern bank of the _Natisio_ _cum_ _Turro_ and will be investigated further during the next campaign, as will the related quays and possible landing places. This wall then went out of use and was partially demolished. Another system for drainage and land reclamation was present above the remains of the wall and across the western part of trench 1, including parapets made of sand and clay that probably supported new storage platforms. The land reclamation was formed by layers of sand mixed with pottery, the latest of which dating to the second half of the 5th century A.D. At the base of these levels was a very sandy layer, samples of which were taken for analysis. It presented quite similar characteristics to the deposits from the Canale Anfora and other samples taken along the _Natisio_ _cum_ _Turro_ . Therefore, it is possible that this sediment represents a deposit from the riverbed (probably evidence of its narrowing). A large limekiln was partially excavated. The structure had two phases of construction/use and its foundations cut levels dating to the 1st-3rd centuries A.D. It seemed to have been in use during the 3rd century A.D. and was still active (with some structural alterations) in the 4th-5th century A.D. It was suddenly abandoned while still in use. In fact, the excavation uncovered its last load made up of layers of charcoal, calcinated stones and, in the upper levels of the fill, architectural material and intact limestone blocks from the robbing and demolition of Roman Aquileia.


    • Massimilano Laurora. 2013. Un’ipotesi interpretativa sulla funzione delle “spallette” rinvenute ad Aquileia presso la sponda orientale del Natiso (ex fondo Sandrigo) . FOLD&R Italy: 296.


    • D. Cottica, 2010. Gli scavi del quartiere a est del porto fluviale, in Forma Urbis, Dicembre 2010: 10-12.