  • El Cuquero
  • Villanueva del Conde
  • unknown
  • Spain
  • Castille and León
  • Salamanca
  • Mogarraz


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 500 AD - 1650 AD


    • Site-specific data were obtained during the September 2003 excavation campaign, covering a total area of 63 m2. Excavation work revealed an oil press, with a well-preserved _lapis_ _pedicinus_, a set of channels dug into the rock, a liquid reservoir coated with plaster, and two granite beam press weights. The chronology was defined by the materials found while excavating part of the room earthen floor (UE 26 = 28) and the foundation levels of gypsum deposit (EU 46). The ceramic chronology of the UE 26=28 consisted of 3 potsherds of late Hispanic _Terra_ _Sigillata_, (one of them belongs to the Drag. 37 form), 1 sherd of slip-decorated ceramic, 5 of common pottery, 15 sherds of cooking wares and 7 sherds of fine black or grey ware with burnished or polished exterior. UE 46 provided a lower amount of similar material: 1 sherd of late Hispanic Terra Sigillata, 1 of common pottery, 5 of cooking wares and 2 sherds of fine black or grey ware with burnished or polished exterior. This ceramic chronology dates the construction of the settlement around the 6th century. Radiocarbon dating of UE 26=28 establishes the same chronological framework: 1480 ± 120 BP (UBAR-809, cal AD 440-660 [1σ]). This archaeological site dates back to the early 8th century as the latest possible date, although the population of the deserted village of Las Aldehuelas, located in the vicinity and inhabited between the 13th and the 17th centuries, may have used it as a garbage dump between the late Middle Ages and early Modern Age. (translation by Laura González Fernández)


    • Ariño Gil, Enrique; Barbero, Lorenzo; Díaz Martínez, Pablo de la Cruz (2004-2005): “El yacimiento agrícola de El Cuquero y el modelo de poblamiento en época visigoda en el valle del río Alagón (Salamanca, España)”, Lancia, 6, pp. 211-237.
    • Ariño Gil, Enrique (2006): “Modelos de poblamiento rural en la provincia de Salamanca entre la Antigüedad y la Alta Edad Media”, Zephyrus, 59, pp. 317-337. http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/handle/10366/70628
    • Ariño, Enrique; Dahí, Sarah (2012): “La cerámica de los yacimientos rurales de la provincia de Salamanca (España) entre la Antigüedad Tardía y la alta Edad Media (350-700)”, Archeologia Medievale, 39, pp. 371-383.
    • Dahí, Sarah (2012): Contextos cerámicos de la Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media (siglos IV-VIII d.C.) en los asentamientos rurales de la Lusitania Septentrional (Provincia de Salamanca, España), British Archaeological Reports, International Series 2401, Oxford.