  • S. Lorenzo in Lucina
  • Roma
  • Titulus Lucinae o Basilica Lucinae
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1 AD - 2000 AD


    • In the years 1993, 1995 and 1998 excavations were carried out in the area of the Early Christian baptistry in S. Lorenzo in Lucina by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome in collaboration with the Archaeological Superintendency of Rome. These revealed the remains of a baptismal font of about 4m in diameter, to the side of which was a smaller, rectangular tank of unknown function. Study of the pottery from the stratified layers around the baptistry, sealed by the construction of the church, and from the 1985 excavations below the central nave, indicate the mid-IV century as a terminus post quem for the building of the basilica and its baptistry. In the year 2000 the excavation was extended to take in the entire area below the church. These indicate that the III century insula, on which the church was built, was abandoned at the beginning of the IV century. As well as providing many new elements for the riconstruction of the first phase of the Early Christian basilica, this new research may allow the dating of the basilica to the IV century, thus rendering less certain its identification (accepted by many scholars) as the "basilica sancto Laurentio" built by Pope Sixtus III (432-440) according to the Liber Pontificalis. (Olaf Brandt)


    • Olof Brandt. 2004. Scavi e ricerche dell'Istituto Svedese a San Lorenzo in Lucina (Roma). FOLD&R Italy: 25.


    • M.E. Bertoldi, 1999, Hugo de Evesham: tracce sulla pietra di un cardinale inglese a Roma (1281-1287), Ab Aquilone. Nordic studies in honour and memory of Leonard Boyle, O. P., ed. M.-L. Rodén (Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet 14/Svenska institutet i Rom, Suecoromana 6), Stockholm: 15-25.
    • O. Brandt, 1994, Un’iscrizione riutilizzata da S. Lorenzo in Lucina, in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 70: 197-201
    • O. Brandt, 1995, Sul battistero paleocristiano di S. Lorenzo in Lucina, in Quaderni del Centro di Studio per l’Archeologia Etrusco-Italica 19, Archeologia Laziale XII, 1, Roma: 145-150.
    • O. Brandt, 1996, La seconda campagna di scavo nel battistero di S. Lorenzo in Lucina a Roma. Rapporto preliminare, in Opuscula Romana 20: 271-274.
    • O. Brandt, 1998, Passiones e battisteri, in Domum tuam dilexi. Miscellanea in onore di Aldo Nestori (Studi di antichità cristiana pubblicati a cura del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 53), Città del Vaticano: 109-112.
    • O. Brandt, 2003, Strutture del IV secolo per la lavanda dei piedi in due battisteri romani?, in Arte Medievale (n.s.) 2: 137-144.
    • M.E. Bertoldi, 2003, The recognition of Jean Le Jeune's tomb and of the chapel of St. John the Baptist in San Lorenzo in Lucina in Rome, Opuscula Romana 28: 28-31.
    • A. Manfredi, 2003, San Lorenzo in Lucina, Jean Le Jeune, Jean Jouffroy and the search for manuscripts in Rome during the papacy of Nicholas V (1447-1451), in Opuscula Romana 28: 9-28.