  • Balsignano
  • Modugno
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Bari
  • Bitritto


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  • 477 AD - 1492 AD


    • The complex of Balsignano (fig. 1) in the territory of Modugno (BA) constitutes rare evidence of the fortified settlements characterising the rural landscape of the Terra di Bari in the medieval period. It stands on a site of considerable beauty, in a dominant position on the edge of the Balsignano ‘lama’, a branch of the Lamasinata ‘lama’, by the crossroads formed by two important roads of ancient origins. The Bitonto road branches off from the ancient via Traiana and passes by Modugno, continuing in the direction of Bitritto towards Taranto, and the road that from Bari climbs towards the ‘murgia’, a Karst plateau, inland. In addition to two curtain walls – one surrounding the entire complex and an inner wall enclosing the central nucleus – the church of S. Maria, the castle, and the church of S. Felice also survive. The latter (fig. 2), on the periphery of the central nucleus, is one of the finest examples of 13th century Apulian dome architecture. The complex lay in a state of total abandonment when, in 1989, the Superintendency for Architectural and Landscape Heritage began operations to consolidate and restore the buildings. Over the years, and with the collaboration of the local authorities who now own the property, the complex has been saved. Contemporary with the restoration work, the Archaeological Superintendency carried out excavations in various sectors of the complex. These produced material results supporting the scarce evidence from the written sources and defined the different phases of the settlement’s occupation. Surviving structures from the early medieval phase, mentioned in several 10th century documents, were identified in correspondence with the churches, revealing the existence of earlier cult buildings on the sites of those whose walls are still standing. The archaeological deposit inside the ‘Castle’, sealed by its floors and only partially investigated, revealed evidence of the earliest occupation phase indicating that a defensive structure probably already existed at that time. The excavations in 1989, 1991, and 2003-2005 concentrated on the inner areas and those by the churches and ‘castle’. In 2011, the external curtain wall, dating to the later medieval period, was excavated and the entire 550 m circuit exposed. Where there were gaps of about 3.50 m in the wall, both the imposing perimeter wall (fig. 3) and another two towers (five are still visible) were uncovered at foundation level Once the restorations and excavations are completed, the site will be opened to the public and walks set up within the area, the most scenic one being that running the entire perimeter on the inner side of wall.


    • V. CASTAGNOLO, Il casale di Balsignano. Ricostruzione delle fasi cronologiche attraverso il rilievo e la lettura stratigrafica degli elevati, in Taras XXVI, 2006, pp. 65-86.
    • M.R.DEPALO, Modugno (Bari), Balsignano, in Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia. Notiziario delle attività di tutela. Gennaio 2004-Dicembre 2005, n.s. I, 2010, 1-2, pp. 252-253.
    • E.PELLEGRINO, M.TRIGGIANI, M.R.DEPALO, M. CIOCE, Un villaggio medievale scomparso in Terra di Bari: l'insediamento fortificato di Balsignano, c.s.
    • M. TRIGGIANI, Insediamenti rurali nel territorio a nord di Bari. Repertorio dei siti e delle emergenze architettoniche, Bari 2008.