  • Monte Kassar
  • Castronovo di Sicilia
  • qasr al gadid, qasr nubu
  • Italy
  • Sicily
  • Province of Palermo
  • Castronovo di Sicilia


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 600 AD - 900 AD


    • The Sicily in Transition project is a collaboration between the University of York and Rome’s University of Tor Vergata, with the support of the Archaeological Supertintendency of Palermo. The aim of this research is to analyse, through the archaeological record, how changes in the political regime influenced the organisation, composition, and life style of the subject populations. The period under consideration runs between the 6th and 13th centuries, a period in which Sicily came under Byzantine, Islamic, Norman and then Swabian dominion. Sicily in Transition foresees the use of new and traditional methods to analyse both collections of finds (environmental remains and artefacts) from earlier excavations and the acquisition of data from new investigations. The investigation focuses on a promising area of central Sicily: the territory of Castronovo di Sicilia. Here, two campaigns have seen magnetometer surveys, field surveys, investigation of the architectural archaeology and the excavation of _sondages_. The aim was to evaluate the archaeological potential of the territory’s principal historical sites. The first results are promising in relation to the typological and chronological variety of the identified sites: a 7th-9th century fortress on Monte Kassar; a small fortress with full medieval and modern phases on Colle San Vitale; a large undefended village with late antique to medieval phases, including important evidence for the Islamic period, in the area of Casale San Pietro. Magnatometer surveys and excavations were undertaken on two different parts of Monte Kassar (the area enclosed by the walls in c. 90 hectares). The discovery of an 8th century dwelling abutting the curtain wall and with its roof collapse still _in_ _situ_ is of particular importance. During the 2015 campaign, the remains of other buildings and the steps leading to the walkway on the wall were uncovered.


    • Martin O.H. Carver, Department of Archaeology, University of York, Alessandra Molinari. 2016. Sicily in Transition Research Project. Investigations at Castronovo di Sicilia. Results and Prospects, 2015 . FOLD&R Italy: 352.
    • Martin O.H. Carver, Department of Archaeology, University of York, Alessandra Molinari, Veronica Aniceti , Francesca Colangeli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Nicoletta Giannini,Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Fabio Giovannini,Università di Foggia, Madeleine Hummler, University of York, Claudio F. Mangiaracina, Antonino Meo Università di Sassari, Paola Orecchioni, Università di Roma Tor Vergata. 2018. Sicily in transition Interim report of investigations at Castronovo di Sicilia 2016 . FOLD&R Italy: 412.


    • A. Castrorao Barba, 2015, “Entroterra tra due mari: il territorio di Castronovo di Sicilia (Palermo) tra età romana e periodo bizantino”, in Cambi F., De Venuto G., Goffredo R. (eds), Storia e archeologia globale 2. I pascoli, i campi, il mare. Paesaggi d’altura e di pianura in Italia dall’Età del Bronzo al Medioevo, Bari: 253-267.
    • F. Maurici, 2000, “Problemi di storia, archeologia e topografia medievale nel territorio di Castronuovo di Sicilia in provincia di Palermo-I”, in Atti II Giornate Internazionali di Studio sull’area Elima 1997, Pisa- Gibellina: 755-776.
    • F. Maurici, 2000, “Problemi di storia, archeologia e topografia medievale nel territorio di Castronuovo di Sicilia in provincia di Palermo-I”, in Atti II Giornate Internazionali di Studio sull’area Elima 1997, Pisa- Gibellina: 755-776.
    • S. Vassallo (ed.), 2007, Archeologia nelle vallate del Fiume Torto e del San Leonardo, Palermo.
    • S. Vassallo, 2009, “Le fortificazioni bizantine del Kassar di Castronovo di Sicilia: indagini preliminari”, in Ampolo C. (ed.), Immagine e immagini della Sicilia e di altre isole del Mediterraneo antico, Pisa: 679-696.
    • S. Vassallo, 2010, “Il territorio di Castronovo di Sicilia in età bizantina e le fortificazioni del Kassar”, in M. Congiu, S. Modeo, M. Arnone (eds.), La Sicilia bizantina: storia, città e territorio, Atti del VI Convegno di Studi del "Progetto Mesogheia" (Caltanissetta, 9-10 Maggio 2009), Caltanissetta: 259-276.
    • A. Villa, 1997, “Indagini archeologiche e ricognizioni nel territorio di Castronovo di Sicilia”, in Atti II Giornate Internazionali di Studio sull’area Elima 1994, Pisa- Gibellina: 1385-1398.