  • Pontificia Università Antonianum
  • zona del Laterano
  • Italy
  • Lazio
  • Rome
  • Rome


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 99 BC - 599 AD
  • 1401 AD - 1799 AD


    • In 2015, work began on a census and study of the archaeological material housed in the Pontificia Università Antonianum on behalf of the Ufficio Tutela Beni Mobili della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma. Most of this material comes from excavations undertaken during the construction of the university towards the end of the 1800s and belonged to a series of structures (no longer visible) that were part of an imperial Roman _domus_ belonging to an important aristocratic Roman family. This residence probably had a private _sacellum_ dedicated to the cult of Isis-Fortune, as seems to be attested by the rich sculptural decoration found there. Following a phase of abandonment in the medieval period, the site became part of the Villa Massimo until the Unification of Italy, when the property was acquired by the Order of the Friars Minor for the construction of the Antonianum University. The first part of the catalogue is in press and the study of the remaining material continues.


    • Fabio Paglia. 2019. Considerazioni sull’instrumentum domesticum: il caso dei mortai in marmo e delle loro connessioni con la produzione di lucerne . FOLD&R Italy: 448.


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