  • Pozzo Monte Enoc 5
  • Pozzo Monte Enoc 5
  • Italy
  • Basilicate
  • Province of Potenza
  • Viggiano


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 300 BC - 100 BC


    • During levelling undertaken for the construction of an oil well (Monte Enoc 5), a structure dating to between the 3rd to 2nd centuries B.C. came to light. Covering an area of 240sq.m, it is layed out following the natural slope of the terrain from north to south and comprises two nuclei. The northern complex comprises at least two rooms, the southern complex comprises four rooms. In the northern complex it is possible to distinguish two small rooms, built with dry-stone foundations without the use of tile wedges. An interesting find is a Roman silver denarius (169-158 B.C.), which came up near the housing for a pithos. The southern complex survives only at foundation level, built directly on top of natural, using the dry-stone technique with middle sized limestone blocks and wedges of tile, imbrices and pottery fragments. This complex forms an "L" shaped building organized in two units, one N/S comprising a single room and one E/W divided into two rooms. Another room develops to the east and is of the same construction as the northern complex. Only fragments of black glaze ware, plain buff ware, common wares and grey ware pottery were recovered. A bronze lamp was found in one room. Considering the different construction techniques used in the two complexes it is probable that they belong to different phases. It may be supposed that the northern complex and the east room of the "L" shaped structure are contemporary and earlier than the rest, whilst the "L"shaped structure seems to be a later extension. (Maria Luisa Nava)


    • M.L. Nava, 2004, L`attivitá archeologica in Basilicata nel 2003, Atti XLIII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia (Taranto 2003), Taranto: 933-1000, con rapporto di scavo di M. Denti: 956.