  • Cascina La Cascinetta
  • Rivanazzano
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Province of Pavia
  • Rivanazzano Terme


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 6000 BC - 3900 BC


    • In 2002 a series of trial trenches were dug with the aim of ascertaining the presence of dwellings at the well known site of Rivanazzano, on the Padovan plain, which is important for its outcrop of eclogites (metamorphic rocks) and the production of 'green stone' hatchets. The dating of the atelier was, until now, only presumed on the basis of finds of axes made of the same type of stone on the early Neolithic sites of Godiasco and Cecina (PV) and Brignano Frascata (AL), but no dating evidence had been found on this site. The trenches produced pottery fragments, flint tools and nodules of 'green stone' that were found together within a structure dug into the ground. This means that the exploitation of the 'green stone' deposit at Rivanazzano can be dated to the early Neolithic period. (Laura Simone Zopfi)


    • Laura Simone Zopfi. 2005. Rivanazzano (PV) - Località La Cascinetta.. FOLD&R Italy: 38.


    • T. Mannoni, E. Starnini, L. Simone Zopfi, 1996, Rivanazzano, in M.Venturino Gambari (a cura di), Le vie della pietra verde. L'industria litica levigata nella preistoria dell'Italia settentrionale, catalogo della mostra, Torino: 119-122.
    • L. Simone Zopfi, 2004, La neolitizzazione nell’Oltrepò pavese, in M. Venturino Gambari (a cura di), Alla conquista dell’Appennino. Le prime comunità delle valli Curone, Grue e Ossona, catalogo della mostra , Brignano Frascata (AL), Torino: 89-94.