  • Chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo
  • Brugora
  • Italy
  • Lombardy
  • Province of Lecco
  • Casatenovo


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 1100 AD - 1800 AD


    • Removal of the modern pavement in the church of SS. Pietro and Paolo at Brugora provided the occasion for an excavation which revealed new data regarding the development and use of the church through time. In the central area, near the present altar, the foundations of a wall came to light which clearly differed in construction technique and size to the other structures uncovered. This wall may belong to the first phase of the church which dates, according to the archives, to 1128. On the basis of the data recorded a hypothetical reconstruction of the first church has been made. In this area there were also three crypts and twelve single tombs which can be generically dated to the subsequent centuries. Unfortunately no dating evidence was found for these structures. The latest evidence, present in both parts of the church, was a series of post-holes probably relating to the erection of scaffolding when the walls were decorated in the 18th century, decoration which is still visible today. (Laura Simone Zopfi, Laura Lodovici)


    • Laura Simone Zopfi, Laura Lodovici. 2006. Besana Brianza (MI). Scavo nella chiesa dei Santi Pietro e Paolo di Brugora. FOLD&R Italy: 57.


    • L. Simone Zopfi, L. Lodovici, Besana Brianza (MI), località Brugora. Chiesa dei SS. Pietro e Paolo. Scavo archeologico, in NOTIZIARIO 2003-2004, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia: 266-268.