  • Casa delle Amazzoni, VI.2.14
  • Pompei
  • Pompeii
  • Italy
  • Campania
  • Naples
  • Pompei


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 300 BC - 79 AD


    • In _domus_ VI 2, 14 (the House of the Amazons) two trenches were dug with the aim of investigating its earliest occupation levels. The excavation of the _cubiculum_ south of the fauces intercepted the foundation trenches of the western and southern perimeter walls in _opus africanum_ containing 3rd century B.C. material. In the _atrium_ three overlying floor levels were traced, datable to between the 3rd century B.C. to the first half of the 1st century A.D. The original layout of the house, as shown by study of the vertical stratigraphy and specifically placed trenches, can be dated to mid Samnite period. The many alterations made to the building during its occupation did not greatly change its look or overall size. The architectural scheme of the house’s first phase was based around an _atrium_ , without transversely arranged side rooms, onto which two rooms situated at the sides of the _fauces_ and a vegetable garden to the rear opened. The _atrium_ ’s unusual layout finds comparisons with 3rd century houses, such as the contemporary House of Narcissus (VI 2, 24), situated to the rear, which has a similar plan or the better known “proto-House of the Centaur”. (Valentina Befani)


    • V. Befani 2004 [2005], Casa delle Amazzoni (VI 2, 14), in F. Coarelli, F. Pesando, Il Progetto Regio VI. Campagna di scavo 2003, in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 15: 153-154.
    • V. Befani 2003 [2004], Casa delle Amazzoni (VI 2, 14), in F. Coarelli, F. Pesando, A. Zaccaria Ruggiu et al., Progetto Regio VI. Campagna di scavo 2002 nelle insulae 2, 9 e 14, in Rivista di Studi Pompeiani 14: 296-298.
    • L. Anniboletti, V. Befani, R. Cassetta, C. Costantino, M. Antolini, T. Cinaglia, P. Leone, R. Proietti, 2007, Pompei: Progetto “Regio VI” - I primi secoli di Pompei -Aggiornamento 2007, in www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2007-84.pdf.