  • Pian di Misano, Regio IV, Ins. 1, Casa 2; Regio I, Ins. 5
  • Marzabotto
  • Kainua
  • Italy
  • Emilia-Romagna
  • Bologna
  • Marzabotto


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  • No period data has been added yet


  • 600 BC - 400 BC
  • 0


    • The excavation in Regio IV, _insula_ 1, house 2, previously excavated in the 1950s and 60s by P. E. Arias and G. A. Mansuelli, to date has revealed substantial traces, in the eastern part of the house, of late archaic occupation (second half of the 6th century B.C.). The trenches in the central area of the courtyard ascertained the presence of an _impluvium_ , bordered by low cobblestone walls. During its construction a large oval hole was filled with a layer of marl. This hole may be interpreted as part of the construction process relating to the waterproofing of the _impluvium_ or, a less feasible hypothesis, as the remains of a well or pre-existing hut. The trenches in the eastern part of the house contained badly preserved arcaic pottery, datable to within the second half of the 6th century B.C. The trenches also revealed the presence of several construction phases and the enlargement of the house during the 5th century B.C. (MiBAC)


    • M. Bentz, C. Reusser, 2004, Keramik aus Marzabotto, Haus IV 1, 2 - die alten Grabungen, in Attische Vasen in etruskischem Kontext - Funde aus Häusern und Heiligtümern, Beiheft zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum 2, München: 35-44.
    • G. Sassatelli, E. Govi (a cura di), 2005, Culti, forma urbana e artigianato a Marzabotto: nuove prospettive di ricerca (Atti del Convegno di Studi, Bologna 3-4 giugno 2003): 9-88.
    • G. Sassatelli, 2007, Un nouveau temple de Tinia dans la cité étrusque de Marzabotto, in "Dossiers d'archéologie", 322: 56-59.
    • E. Govi (a cura di), 2007, Marzabotto, una città etrusca, Bologna: 23-25.
    • E. Govi, 2008, Reconstructing history from material culture. The case of Etruscan Marzabotto, in N. Marchetti, I. Thuesen (a cura di), ARCHAIA. Case studies on research planning, characterisation, conservation and management of archaeological sites, Oxford: 137-146.
    • G. Sassatelli, 2009, Il nuovo tempio di Tina a Marzabotto e i culti della città etrusca, in G. Cresci Marrone, M. Tirelli (a cura di), Altnoi. Il santuario altinate. Strutture del sacro a confronto e i luoghi di culto lungo la via Annia, Atti del Convegno, venezia 4-6 dicembre 2006, Roma: 325-344.
    • G. Sassatelli, 2011, Città etrusca di Marzabotto. Una fornace per il tempio di Tina, in Corollari. Scritti di antichità etrusca e italica in omaggio all’opera di Giovanni Colonna, Pisa: 150-158.
    • E. Govi, G. Sassatelli, 2010, Marzabotto. La Casa 1 della Regio IV, Insula 2, Bologna.