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  • Fondo Casino
  • Cavallino
  • Italy
  • Apulia
  • Provincia di Lecce
  • Cavallino



  • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

    MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

    ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

    AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

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  • No period data has been added yet


    • The investigation in 2005 was undertaken in areas Fondo Casino and Fondo Casino 1.

      In the area of Fondo Casino work continued on the residential quarter that had been uncovered in previous years. The area of the building which partially covered the larg

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    • In the south-eastern zone of Fondo Casino a road with a cobbled surface was uncovered for a length of circa 70 m. The structure, on a north-south alignment, was the continuation of another known road which was characterized by a wide channel for rainwater ... Read More
    • In the area of Fondo Casino excavation continued in the residential quarter. Work concentrated on the area of building I1, which partially covered the east road. Investigations continued inside the portico area with the excavation of the collapse below whi... Read More
    • Excavations continued in the area of Fondo Casino on the residential quarter uncovered in previous years. Work concentrated in the area of building I1, which faced onto the wide east road paved with cobbles. The building was formed by two rectangular rooms... Read More
    • As part of the Progetto di Ampliamento del Museo Diffuso di Cavallino, presented by the local authorities and financed by the Regione Puglia with the remaining P.O.R 2000-2007 funds, an intense campaign of archaeological investigations was undertaken o... Read More
    • A total of 2000 m2 of terrain was investigated with the aim of exposing the abandonment phases of the archaic settlement.

      In zone G, west of road V, three new large residential structures were identified (buildings G8, G9 and G10), facing on to the road

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    • In July 2012, the University of Salento held its archaeological field school in which Italian and Austrian students participated.

      In the area of Fondo Casino (Zones G and I), situated near the museum entrance, investigations continued in the residential

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    • Work continued on the excavation of a residential quarter in zones G and I, in particular buildings G8 and G7. Building G8 was a large structure with a courtyard in the front and attached enclosures for animals. The property was entered through a monumenta... Read More
    • The 2015 and 2016 excavations in the area of the Museo Diffuso were undertaken as part of the University of Salento’s archaeology field school.

      In the area of Fondo Casino (Zone G), situated at the entrance to the Museo Diffuso, investigations con

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  • 1500 BC
  • 800 BC
  • 450 BC


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