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Archaeological Survey


    • The Gharandal Archaeological Project has adopted a comprehensive approach to the investigation of Gharandal by combining survey and excavation with regional, environmental and settlement studies, with the intention to form a "whole view" of socio-economic deelopments in the Gharandal region from Antiquity until the Islamic Middle Ages.

    Project Dates

    • 1997 - 2000

    Survey Method

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    Research Focus

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    Other Comments

    • What were the issues of rural-urban interchange in the settlement processes in the south of Jordan between Roman Late Antiquity and the Islamic Middle Ages (ca.6th-15th centuries AD)? What characterized the use of public spae in towns and the role of local Arab elites during the Roman and Byzantine periods? Was there a smooth continuum from one period to the next, or periods of rapid change, growth and decline? Did existing social structures adapt easily to new circumstances or were they overturned by the arrival of new ruling elites and beliefs?

    Research Institution

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    • Director