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Archaeological Survey

  • Italy
  • Calabria
  • Province of Reggio Calabria
  • Grotteria



Project Dates

Survey Method

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  • The instruments used were a Geoscan FM256 fluxgate gradiometer and a Geoscan RM-15D ele-ctrical resistance meter with multiplexer (fig. 35)54. After the survey area was divided into sixteen 10 x 10 m grids, data were collected using a zigzag method on 50 cm transects for both the magnetic and the resistance surveys. However, the gradiometric survey was conducted only within the presumed wall circuit of the fort, and yield- ed few anomalies. In contrast, the resistance survey en- compass-sed the defensive perimeter and produced sev- eral meaningful anomalies. The results of these surveys clearly de-monstrate that a large structure occupied the entire summit.

Research Focus

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Other Comments

  • The cultural material indicated that the site was occupied by Greeks from Locri Epizephyrii from the second half of the 6th to the mid-3rd centuries BC. Excavation in 2010 was focused on two adjoining units in the southern area of the mountaintop. Its main objectives were to investigate the stratigraphy of the archaeological deposit and to uncover the inner face of the southern rampart. A geophysical survey involving the use of a fluxgate magnetic gradiometer and an electrical resistance meter was also conducted to determine the boundaries and the characteristics of the site, and the possibility of interior structures.
  • Aimed at establishing the boundaries and the structural characteristics of the site, identified as a Greek mountain fort of Locri Epizephyrii. Topographical reconnaissances were also conducted between 2010-2012 at locations in the upper Torbido River Valley that could have been used for intersignaling (such as Monte Limina), and at other fortified sites in southern Calabria (e.g. San Salvatore, Serro di Tavola, and Monte Gallo) in order to better understand the functions of a military installation on Monte Palazzi.

Research Institution

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  • Director


    • Paolo Visonà. 2013. University of Kentucky Archaeological Investigations at Monte Palazzi (Passo Croceferrata, Grotteria, Calabria) and in the Locrian chora in 2010-2012. FOLD&R Archaeological Survey: 1.
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