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Archaeological Survey

  • Italy
  • Sicily
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  • Avola


  • R. Pignatello-C. Veca, “Dalla Tutela alla Ricerca”. Il caso studio di C. da Borgelluzzo-Borgellusa (Avola) in Provincia di Siracusa - The report proposed here aims to provide a glimpse of how, starting from protection activities, as enshrined in the relevant legislation, we can have the opportunity for a deepen historical-archaeological research, which will allow us to advance useful proposals for the landscape reconstruction in ancient and to suppose occupation formulas of the territory. The investigations carried out have allowed the drafting of the Report of Archaeological Interest, that is crucial for the protection of the archaeological heritage, in the course of a subdivision plan commissioned by private individuals. The writer of this document writes as a specialized archaeologist and freelance professionals. The portion of the territory investigated is located in the district Borgelluzzo-Borgellusa, Avola (SR) on the edge of Viale Papa Giovanni Paolo II. The concerned area is known to the scientific world for the presence of the monumental complex remains of the Roman villa. Other clues about the archaeological relevance of the investigated sector were instead obtained by the Superintendence of Siracusa. This information emerged on public interventions in the Municipality of Avola, SR and published via preliminary reports. Therefore, the creation of a archaeological finds database recorded during surveys and the creation of a Territorial Information System through software (GIS), in addition to relate the anthropic component of the ancient period with the environmental aspects, assumes a functional and analytical value for a proper and "sustainable" territorial planning. Specifically, the data recorded in the course of the reconnaissance allow to make, in an embryonic way, a proposal of work concerning the topographic interpretation of the coastal district of C.da Borgelluzzo-Borgellusa with regard to the Roman and Late Antique periods. Finally, the research findings are an assessment tool of the Archaeological Finding Risk that allows to define local developments and metamorphosis which affect construction industry and public infrastructures with due regard for cultural and environmental heritage present locally..

Project Dates


  • No period data has been added yet
  • 900 BC
  • 300 BC
  • 700 AD

Survey Method

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  • La porzione investigata è stata individuata attraverso la georeferanzione di 13 capisaldi geografici battuti su punti fissi, in questo caso con stazione totale, riscontrati nella CTR (edifici - limite meridionale di Viale Giovanni Paolo II). In breve, la valutazione sistemica della componente archeologica è stata incentrata su tre parametri. All’inquadramento geologico dell’area, segue un breve riepilogo delle attività di ricerca pregresse rese edite; altre osservazioni sono state ottenute, dalla consultazione degli archivi della Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. di Siracusa. Il nucleo della nostra ricerca è costituito, tuttavia, dai dati tratti dalle ricognizioni autoptiche e dall’analisi preliminare dei materiali rinvenuti durante i survey, i cui risultati sono stati inserite in apposito database relazionale (Access 2010).

Research Focus

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Other Comments


Funding Body

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  • Studio di Archeologia Preventiva di Pignatello Rosario e Carlo Veca

Research Institution

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  • Director
    • PhD Pignatello Rosario


    • Rosario Pignatello, Carlo Veca. 2017. Dalla Tutela alla Ricerca. Il caso studio di C.da Borgelluzzo-Borgellusa (Avola) in Provincia di Siracusa. FOLD&R Archaeological Survey: 4.
    • PDF permalink