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  • St. Forty Martyrs Church
  • Veliko Tarnovo
  • Tarnovo



    • The Italian Database is the result of a collaboration between:

      MIBAC (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici),

      ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) and

      AIAC (Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica).

    • AIAC_logo logo

    Summary (English)

    • TARNOVO (Konstantin Totev –, Plamen Karailiev) The church was situated in the southern outer precincts of the Great Laurel Monastery with the Holy Forty Martyrs Church. It was built of uneven stones bonded with mortar, with incorporated wooden beams. The church was single-naved, single-apsed, with a narthex, 15 m long and 6.30 m wide. There was an exonarthex and thus, the total length of the church was 19.20 m. The inner walls of the nave were painted with frescoes and its façades were decorated with small glazed bowls. There were two niches, 60 cm wide and 30 cm deep, on both sides of the apse. Two pairs of pilasters on both long walls of the nave supported the arches of the barrel-vaulted ceiling. The marble plates that were re-used to fill the apse were removed. The plates originated from the floor pavement of the altar and from the church furniture. Frescoes were discovered on the plinth of the eastern, northern and southern walls of the altar, showing a white drapery on a dark-blue background. There was no drapery in the center of the apse, but a central panel that probably showed the scene Adoration of the Sacrifice. The paintings in the church dated to the 14th century. After the Ottoman conquest at the end of the 14th century, the building of the church was reused for the construction of baths that functioned during the 15th and the first quarter of the 16th century. During the excavations, 50 coins were discovered, including a hoard of 10 silver coins of the Bulgarian King Ivan Alexander with his son Michael Asen and two silver buttons.

    • Konstantin Totev - Veliko Tarnovo Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum 
    • Plamen Karailiev - Archaeological Museum ‘Maritsa – East’ 


    • Konstantin Totev - Veliko Tarnovo Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum
    • Plamen Karailiev - Archaeological Museum ‘Maritsa – East’


    Research Body

    • Veliko Tarnovo Branch of the Archaeological Institute and Museum

    Funding Body


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